Tech enthusiast, climate activist, media personnel @ Bamenda
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About Njoke Tangwing Raisa Ngwenyi
Njoke-Tangwing Raisa Ngwenyi is the co-founder/ program coordinator of the youth-led civil society organization called Center for Grassroots Sustainability and Sovereignty ( An environmental enthusiast cum media personnel (columnist, radio host) she expresses her activism through different forms of arts like poetry, storytelling and film. She currently serves as USAID YOUTH Lead Ambassador for Cameroon. She's a John Maxwell I-choose leadership alumni.
These interview questions were brought to you by TwoCents and Tobi Igbinedion


If you suddenly become short-staffed before a deadline, how will you manage the deliverables without compromising their quality and time-frame?

Njoke Tangwing Raisa Ngwenyi
Communicate with the team. Acknowledge the staffing issues openly with your staff. Being transparent helps get the remaining staff/ team members on board to help out where needed. It also reduces frustration because they know what to expect. Cross-training your employees or team members prepares them to step in for their colleagues when short-staffed. Also knowing how to do different jobs is useful when someone with specialized skills is gone.Prioritize tasks - you likely can’t tackle your normal workload when you’re short on staff. When you know you’re going to be short-staffed at work, create a plan before the shift starts. Prioritize tasks, identifying the urgent, must-do tasks that definitely need staffing. Work your way down to less pressing issues that can wait if your staff can’t get to them.Outsource when possible. If you have ongoing short staffing issues, outsourcing some of the workload can help you get things done.



Which supporting skills do you think are more important for a leader?

Njoke Tangwing Raisa Ngwenyi
Effective communication Communication is important everywhere, but its importance in good leaders stays uncontested. Predominant problems in most spheres have their origins in miscommunication.Effective communication does not equate to speaking well alone but also spans to active listening and proper questioning technique to elicit required information. A leader takes advantage of effective communication not just for clarity but also for connection, inspiration, persuasion, guidance and even assurance. Her way of communication sets the tone and communicating trend for that business environment.Problem-solving skills help any leader to analyse and anticipate trends. It gives a leader direction and ideas for strategic planning which lists under important leadership skills as well.A successful leader always manages to create and foster a solid foundation of trust and relationships with people . Investing time, effort and even emotion to strengthen relations internally as well as externally reap unparalleled success to any leader.Amidst the bounty of essential leadership skills to strive for, trustworthiness has crossed the mile to become as crucial a skill as confidence or competence.



What was the hardest decision you have taken as a leader? What helped you to prompt the best course of action?

Njoke Tangwing Raisa Ngwenyi
The hardest decisions I have taken as a leader was deciding who to call onboard a project without necessarily prioritizing familiarity over skills. I realized how hard it was to make tough decisions without having to hurt feelings of other members of the team. What prompted such a decision was my ability to see the bigger picture and work for it, rather than employing my emotions to recruit people who didn't share the same dream, even though they are competent.



As a leader, how would you tackle the issue of corruption within your team?

Njoke Tangwing Raisa Ngwenyi
Education is key to preventing corruption at the workplace. Training the staff (from top to bottom) to understand their responsibilities to the law, the company, organization and each other - as well as to grasp the consequences of violating these laws and policies - will put everyone "on the same page" of zero-tolerance toward corruption at the company



How best do you motivate an underperforming team member?

Njoke Tangwing Raisa Ngwenyi
When a team member is underperforming, it can be tempting to assume that there's something wrong with them personally — a bad attitude, laziness or lack of intelligence. When people think these things about themselves, they can feel discouraged and hopeless. They may even decide that there's no point in improving because they'll never be good enough anyway. A leader must remember that people are more than the sum of their job responsibilities and that many factors can contribute to poor performance at work.As a leader in order to motivate, it's important to respect people's personal lives and obligations. If someone has family responsibilities, medical issues or other things that are higher in their life hierarchy than work, respect that and understand it when possible. Communicate expectations clearly from the beginning. When you hire someone, tell them precisely what you expect from them and what will be expected from them in the future if they demonstrate excellence in their position now.Team members underperforming need to hear directly from a leader that their performance has fallen short of expectations. It's a leader's job to address problems head-on and find a solution instead of sweeping them under the rug or deflecting blame onto other people or circumstances.Include underperforming team members in crucial discussions. This can help make it clear that as a leader you're not just trying to lay blame on someone or punish them, but rather that it's a mutual problem that you both want to solve.



What are some of the negative effects that colonialism has had on the African continent?

Njoke Tangwing Raisa Ngwenyi
Colonialism had a huge impact on the lives of Africans. Economic policies were adopted by Europeans who destroyed the colonies, rather than help them. Africa was damaged economically, politically, and culturally. Africa's traditional lifestyles and culture were destroyed. Africa lost its sovereignty and the right to control its own destiny and to play a role in their own development or even conduct their own diplomacy and management of their resources.Africans lost their political independence and it's evident when we notice that traditional political institutions were destroyed and replaced with foreign ones. Foreign culture was imposed on Africans without regard for their own culture, this pushed Africa's culture in oblivion.Speaking from the perspective of a climate activist I can't go without mentioning environmental degradation. The gross deforestation which was carried out, contributed greatly to negative impacts of the climate in the Africa continent. The cutting down of trees reduced the amount of rainfall received in African states and also altered the wet and dry seasons which has made it difficult for farmers to predict when it will rain and thus difficulty in determining appropriate planting seasons.



What is your take on women holding leadership positions?

Njoke Tangwing Raisa Ngwenyi
Having female leaders in positions of influence to serve as role models is not only critical to the career advancement of women, but stands to generate broader societal impacts on pay equity, changing workplace policies in ways that benefit both men and women, and attracting a more diverse workforce.



Who is your greatest leadership role model and why?

Njoke Tangwing Raisa Ngwenyi
Exceptional doesn't begin to describe Mandela. As a leader, South African President Nelson Mandela demonstrated remarkable leadership qualities, including advocacy for peace, powerful presence that disarmed enemies with his smile, high level of forgiveness, positive thinking, ability to see the big picture, focus on goals and missions beyond himself. He was an anti-apartheid activist who was sentenced to life in prison for plotting to overthrow the government through the use of violence. Despite protests and demonstrations from people across the world demanding for his freedom, Mandela spent twenty-seven years in prison. He was released in February of 1990, and went on to lead South Africa’s first multi-racial political elections. Nelson Mandela was an inspirational figure for everyone, but he is especially inspirational for youth. He exemplifies all of the qualities that people strive to have, and he dedicated his life to human justice. If young people follow even a few of Mandela’s examples, volunteer in their communities, and take the time to help others then they will have a better understanding of people in general. Volunteering and aiding others, even children their own age, can help young people develop acceptance and tolerance, stop bullying, and bring an end to school violence. Young people need a positive role model like Nelson Mandela, and for that reason it is important to keep his achievements and successes alive.



How do you manage a conflict situation?

Njoke Tangwing Raisa Ngwenyi

No matter how careful a leader is, conflicts are inevitable. In order to manage a conflict solution, the following can be considered.

Acknowledge that a difficult situation exists. Honesty and clear communication play an important role in the resolution process. Acquaint yourself with what's happening and be open about the problem.

Let individuals express their feelings. Some feelings of anger and/or hurt usually accompany conflict situations. Before any kind of problem-solving can take place, these emotions should be expressed and acknowledged.

Define the problem. What is the stated problem? What is the negative impact on the work or relationships? Are differing personality styles part of the problem? Meet with employees separately at first and question them about the situation.

Determine underlying need. The goal of conflict resolution is not to decide which person is right or wrong; the goal is to reach a solution that everyone can live with. Looking first for needs, rather than solutions, is a powerful tool for generating win/win options. To discover needs, you must try to find out why people want the solutions they initially proposed. Once you understand the advantages their solutions have for them, you have discovered their needs.


Queensley Okon Information Officer @ Covenant University
city Ota, Nigeria Jan. 24, 2023, 12:34 p.m.
Hi NjokeReally amazing profile you have and I must say very admirable As a woman and a leader, how do you manage the silent and unwritten expectations normally placed on women to prove their worthiness at high level positions? Or have you experienced this and how did you react in the situation if you did?
2 Answer requests

Njoke Tangwing Raisa Ngwenyi
Tech enthusiast, climat... @ Bamenda
city Bamenda Jan. 27, 2023, 10:35 a.m.

Great reaction!!! Trust me when I say we live in a man's world where for some reason even at the top echelon, woman are scrutinized. I've personally decided to be at my best and in most cases ignore the unnecessary pressures that come with being a woman. Developing a thick skin too helps in the sense that you don't take everything personally and remain authentic. Lastly, endeavour not to be a people pleasure because women are expected to always be fine with the rubbish that is thrown at them. I maintain my standards and work at being better and I break the rules for a living.

I don't know if this answers your question?


Cyrus Majebi Co-founder @ TwoCents
city Lagos, Nigeria Jan. 26, 2023, 11:11 a.m.

There's a saying in Hiring/HR - "Hire for a presence of strengths rather than an absence of weaknesses" with the idea being that everyone has weaknesses, so it makes sense to hire for the desired strengths and not worry too much about weaknesses.

Or in some cases, many hiring managers find some sort of "delta" or "net strength" which is something like a STRENGTHS - WEAKNESSES formula.

What has your experience with this been?

2 Answer requests

Njoke Tangwing Raisa Ngwenyi
Tech enthusiast, climat... @ Bamenda
city Bamenda Jan. 27, 2023, 10:39 a.m.

It's human nature to possess both strengths and weaknesses. Now if you're hiring, capitalism on the strengths with regards that position and look for ways to mitigate the weaknesses. My formula is "Understand human nature, capitalize on strengths and derive strategies to mitigate weaknesses". I hope I answered you correctly?


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