Personal Brand Therapist | Bus Consultant | Relationship Counsellor | Content Creator @ NEST Consolidated
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About Dr. Mofor Clementine Cendoh
Award winning Personal Brand Therapist | Business Consultant | Speaker | Trainer | Certified Relationship Counsellor | Content Creator | Award Winner Up and running, 5 companies which cut across: media, tech, Academia, Personal Development / Personal Branding and Agriculture Founded & Running NestConsolidated, SBNAfrica, Mofor'sDiary talk show amongst others. Award winning film director, producer and writer Have branded and profiled from young career professionals to older. Eg Prof. Mrs Elizabeth Tamajong one of cameroon's strongest political icons. Conducted transformational Trainings for cameroon's customs department. At the verge of signing a 2years contract with 7multinational companies in transformational Development and personal branding Launching 2 Television broadcasting and content creation medium in a couple of months...
These interview questions were brought to you by TwoCents and Salem Allwell


How do you communicate to your partner that you are no longer attracted to them?

Dr. Mofor Clementine CENDOH
Communication is a way of life. 
Being together in a relationship for months to years try to keep great communication, it will enable you to solve problems more easily

Before you commence a relationship, you guys need to talk about why you are committing to each other. Be direct and true to yourselves. 

If it's just a sexual relationship, talk about it, if it is a long term serious affair that you will hope it becomes better daily, talk about it. If you just need a baby, talk about it. If you just need support or company, it's only right for you to have such a dialogue. If just looking for where to heal from a pain, please share. 

This will help you better breakup or growup.

Learn to keep always your part of the bargain. Don't take things seriously when it was never the plan. If you most change the plan, talk about it with your partner.

If the long term is no longer in motion, call your partner's attention and make sure to be respectful, responsible and maintain composure to avoid over stepping bounce.

To better communicate a break up note this:
1) know the moment: Never voice a breakup when matters are bad. When the relationship is under going turbulence. It only makes you immature. 
Settle all issues and on very calm and clean slate talk about why you both need to sort yourselves out individually or you need space to learn and grow yourselves.

2) Choice of words for breakup that won't hurt too bad: Since you are matured enough to use point one, now, carve out your words and phrases right. Make your former partner know you just want to know yourself more, make your partner to understand, you are work in progress and you have reach a limit where you need more alone time. You may even mention you need a healing period. Make them know you can still be friends if that's ok.

Those 2points can do a lot, but if you need more, you can signup to one of my courses on Relationship building...just send HOW on the comment section and things will be sorted out.



I feel disrespected when asked to give my partner oral sex and he loves it how can I communicate that I’m not comfortable with oral sex without hurting his feelings?

Dr. Mofor Clementine CENDOH
Sex is a crazy game. One must be comfortable playing in some teams since different teams have different playing styles. 

Let your partner know you are uncomfortable with some activities on the bed.

Let your partner know what you love most, and do it well.

Truth be told, you can't go all round the football field on the first half of the game. Oral sex or head job...can happen only if you are super comfortable with yourself and your partner. 

Imagine you guys just return from a walk and back in the hotel or bedroom, and he or she wants something in a hurry and starts pushing you down for a head-job? With a right mind, you can really think your partner has lost it. 

But if both of you are really into each other, even at that hygiene is paradigm. Head-jobs are for ready individuals anything short from that, you guys should discuss and settle on what works for both of you...



What do you do when you are super freaky and want to explore certain things during sex and your partner just wants missionary and kissing.

Dr. Mofor Clementine CENDOH
It comes again to dialogue, proper communication and being objective on why and how you want your sexual relationship to go.

Get to know your partner well enough not to rush things. You may have something great ongoing and you spoil it over night by being impatient. 

Get to know each other's sexual story, their past pains and hurts before you want to go dipping your head down there when she is not ready. 

Same case: I recently met a lady who almost died after getting into orgasm for her first time. Now she has developed a phobia for orgasm. Imagine being in a relationship with such a person without an open conversation, someone may die on your bed while you are sent to prison. 

Long and short is to build on proper communication before going into taking off clothes.

Take time to know and understand each other. That's the only way.

Make proper proposals with your partners to stay off trouble. Plus, don't go to a party for a first time, and expect to be everyone's friend. Don't desire to eat all the food on the dinner table, you may end up with diarrhea and indigestion... 

I have said my own, if you like rush it, you go spoil soup



How far is too far with sexual fetishes - at what point do you draw the line ?

Dr. Mofor Clementine CENDOH
Using arousals is not a big deal. It only becomes an issue depending on the intentions for which it is been used. 

Some individuals or group of individuals use fetishes because their natural arousals are slow, so their partners can help them get to that place. 

Notwithstanding, there is always a down side and an upside to every coin if there is. Before engaging into fetishes, be clear how far to go. Have your code words to call for a fault if any of both parties can't take it any more. 

Don't ever over exhaust your human resources. There may not be any line, but, how far you can resist you should be able to call your partner. 

My candid advice is for you to stay as natural as possible.  Most fetish practices end mostly in trauma and self doubt - the worst is heartbreak.  So as you engage, know the road you are taking...



How intentional do you need to be with knowing your body and what gets you to an orgasm or do you just hope and pray that something happens?

Dr. Mofor Clementine CENDOH

Ladies and gentlemen, you must be INTENTIONAL in knowing your body. You body is your first confidence, your first exam to pass, your first smile, your body is your first hope. The first real joy you can ever experience is from your body. The first place to get empathy is your body. So why will you go study ABC without knowing your body first??

When you know your body, sex becomes more confident and true. Sex becomes more intentional and sincere. When you know you, you can enjoy sex even without having to make love or masturbate.

Knowing your body is the first and the last thing to appreciate every blessed day. You are your body, your body is actually the true you. Knowing your body better will help you fantasize your sex life better. 
So don't loose a nerve, just do all to get to know you as you want him or her to know and feel you.
ORGASM! ORGASM IS HEAVEN, IT IS THE MILKY WAY, IT IS THE TRUE DEFINITION OF LIFE! Female orgasm is very different from male orgasm. Today I will like to talk about the female body and her orgasm. 

What can bring a female to orgasm? All starts with the state of mind. Your state of mind and the environment you find yourself and whom you are with. Attaining orgasm is evidently envisage to be a deliberate act, or has to be conscious.  Now the consciousness of orgasm should be in place of your thought. A matured female after her menstrual cycle especially few days before and during the ovulation period, will naturally develop sensual sensational feelings down in the pubic areas, (nipples and clitoris). At this point if you have intercourse, you can easily find yourself in the milky way looking for a way out.

Again, when you find someone you truly have honest feelings for engaging in a sex activity, you can get to the milky way or orgasm easily.  Some other women will find their orgasm by just playing consciously with themselves (masturbation) 

Again, I think the question you really want to ask me is, how can a woman consciously get to orgasm? I do understand because, first this is not a regular topic of discussion. 

Most especially as entrepreneurs, young African ladies, middle aged women and others struggle with such questions, to think that, all your years up to PhD, you are never thought Orgasm or the human sensual sense...

Now, understand this, ORGASM, is the apex of satisfaction, joy, peace,... I call it the milky way, I call it heaven. Now how does one get to heaven if you don't want to die, I will tell you to find a way to have orgasm as many times as possible. 

When you are in the moment, focus your mind on your heart beat, listen to how every cell of your body stands attention, don't allow the troubles of this world to steal your moment, open your spirit, all the NOW to come to effect. Be calm, you will see and feel the brim of light walking right into you...

If you need more, book a session this Jan.



What do you do when you’re attracted to someone asides your partner?

Dr. Mofor Clementine CENDOH
Attractions are nothing bad, they are great emotions. But if by exception there is an action attached to it. 

Being attracted to someone could be from diverse directions, sexual attraction, intellectual attraction, physical attraction and emotional attraction. 

In all these attractions, if the result yields great harvest, there should be no issues. After all, having a partner doesn't mean your attraction needs to die. 

On a more serious note, just 2 months ago, a client visited my inbox with a serious issue, here's our conversation: 

Client: Dr. I have a very serious issue with my relationship!
Me: let me know what the issue is!
Client: I am married for 4 years now, but I'm still in love with my ex.
Me: Ok
Client: While in bed with my husband, if I must get to the moment, I need to think and see my ex before I can enjoy sex.
Me: It is not a dead situation yet. By the way do you still see your ex and is your ex married?
Client: I still see him when I'm hurt by my husband, as my husband always physically violates me. So I may call him and we will talk for hours. Yes, he is married and will not leave his wife for me but he loves me too
Me: You need emotional therapy...!

With a client like this, she had six-month emotional therapy to help her find herself - to trust and understand her strength and weaknesses also get control over her body.

Most cases of inconsistencies in emotional flow is due to an identity problem. When one needs another to complement them before they can understand how relevant they are.

Sum total, if you are with someone, while still looking for something special or still finding something special from another person outside what you have, it means you are the one with the problem not your partner.

Try finding yourself, take a break from your external emotions, strengthen your relationship with yourself, come to the place where you know a partner is only there to complement you not to make you full or better. 

Convince yourself to be perfect the way you are. And anyone coming should be grateful to have you

This has worked for many even me!

Grow your self esteem! Dress to please you, keep company with those who will add meaning and value to you, read books that help you see you better and make you smile often. Free yourself from any bondage. 

These points amongst others will help you be attracted to yourself first and any other person will be secondary. You will also serve love genuinely 

We offer Relationship Counseling through courses, if you are interested, you can get discounts thanks to our partnership with the TwoCents platform as sponsor 



How does a lady discover her G spot without masturbating?

Dr. Mofor Clementine CENDOH
Either during an INTENTIONAL sex period or during a mistaken sexual activity but the most relevant is during masturbation. 

INTENTIONAL:  when you have a dialogue with your partner to help you discover your G. But you must help him not to cum before you know yourself. 

Meditation can also help you know your body better, even as your focus is on something else, quiet moments can work magic.

Ladies! This G spot is first found in your mind, your inner consciousness to have satisfied sex. Your G spot is created by you, your willingness to experience the milky way. Your G spot is your place of calmness, if only you can program your inner being to grow beyond the noise of this world and the noise in your life, you don't need to go looking for a G spot up and down.

Sex, orgasm, intimacy, love, peace, happiness are a family. Now, to truly enjoy your moment with your partner, start by eradicating contradictory thoughts from your mind before your date time. When that final moment comes, during the foreplay period, focus your mind in the moment. 

Play like you mind it, leave your bad phone alone, the wig you long for or the pregnancy you are afraid of. Leave all of that behind.  Don't even think about what your G is. Just relax in the moment. 

Remove worrisome evidence from your thought mind before you can get a satisfying sexual moment. Before that moment, take G spot off your mind, this will shift your mind from thinking of him finding your spot or not. Focus on the moment, focus on the process, focus on your heart beat, focus on hearing yourself cry out unconsciously.

Your G spot can change direction depending on where you are coming from. It maybe up today and tomorrow you can't tell how it all happened. 

To better understand your body sexually, learn to limit the noise in your life. Sometimes, you may feel your body telling you what it wants. Be quiet enough to listen, you will be shocked to get an unending feeling and direction. 

If you must enjoy your partner fully don't think of your G spot, it will instead be a major distraction. Sometimes, better still the real moment is when it comes by accident, so don't be too anxious.

Remember G. Spotting is all about ORGASM or finding the MILKY WAY...It can fool you most of the all this, love making is for lovers and the rest will wrap up in time...



Sex is an essential some can't do without .But what if the person you love says he/she isn't ready, How does one handle such a situation

Dr. Mofor Clementine CENDOH
Sex is not an essential anything. With or without sex a human being can survive without a single problem. I have lived with a sister, who is a virgin at 43years. It's not really an issue but if you need to enter into a romantic relationship with someone get ready to become practical in your expression of sex

As much as you can decide you may take time to know each other before engaging into sexual practice with your partner. You MUST prepare yourself. 

Finding a partner who is not ready for sex, and the partner needs it, you should be able to let him or her get someone to satisfy his or her sexual desires or else engage one step at a time until you finally enter the building fully.

With all these, if you don't want sex, why say yes? There is hardly a way you will stay in an emotional relationship without having sex someday. Except you both reach an agreement for a later date or time to have sex due to some specific reasons. Otherwise, if you are not ready for sex, stay off emotional matters.

I don't mean that you get into a Relationship today and have sex tomorrow, no! What I'm saying is, as you step out to talk to her, or as you say yes to him, get ready for some untidy moments to come sometimes.

Some sex ventures come not because you truly want but because you just want to keep you partner for a bigger gain. Always toss your coin far enough so it can turn to as many directions as possible to enable clear views😉

Love, sex, relationships, friendship, family and SELF are very sensitive matter ... the key to open all such doors are communication not love, sex, relationships, friendship, family  BUT SELF

This month we are offering discount courses on Relationship, you can join us by asking HOW on the comment will get all answers 



What about a couple's financial situation is likely to give a recurring problem?

Dr. Mofor Clementine CENDOH
Finance is a serious topic of discussion before two individuals become partners in a relationship. Just like in a business deal, you must reach a compromise in your financial engagement. 

Every Relationship: love or Business, communication is paramount at all times. Some topics don't have to be taboo topics like sexual satisfaction, child care and finance. These three topics are what hold a marital or serious couple relationship, but in our day-to-day life, it is the most unspoken topic of discussion.  

This picture is only painted when the food goes sour and can't be managed any longer. Then a rescue team and fire brigade from both families, friends and church pastors and elders show up to pump out cold water after the fire has completely consumed the most part.

Guys before any relationship, put your voices together, discuss on sensitive topics like finance.

Worth mentioning, men and women, see and connect with finance differently, for example: money humbles men, while money brings out the animal in most broke women. When a former rich man reaches his peak, he becomes violent and transfers all the blame to wife and children. While when a former rich woman goes broke, she does all to be focused and to shield her home more.

Imagine not understanding that a very conversational man can suddenly go silent when he is broke, and such an attitude comes up, you as the lady you may think he doesn't love you. 

Lay your relationship goals always on truth, love, care above all communication...make sure to do great as far as putting your financial record straight.

Avoid embarrassing situations as far as finance is concerned. If you have children, don't send them to a school you can't afford just because you want to measure up with your circle. Don't keep borrowing to measure up. Instead think of investment more...know when to discuss finance, don't abuse it.

You as partners must learn to respect each other. Don't think that only a man should spend at home if you are a woman, as a man don't think a women's place is only to consume. She is your multiplier. She will multiple what ever you plant in her. 



How does one deal with body dysmorphia in their sex life?

Dr. Mofor Clementine CENDOH
Your body parts are actually your first brand. Discomfort in a body part due to some natural happenings will only mean you are suffering from the lack of self confidence and a need for self love.

Let's consider, you gain weight or some body deformity due to child birth or pregnancy or age like menopause. The most one should do at this point is raise your personal self esteem. 

Otherwise, before any of such changes, take time to do a personal research on what skin type you got and understand what changes you can possibly develop in case of such natural transformations. 

For the simplest reason that there maybe no real hospital that can depict the changes your body can develop during pregnancy or menopause or maturity. Do your best to look into the evolution of your senior siblings body parts both the male and female.

The first method to overcome a disaster in your body is watching out on your feeding, most especially the type  of food and the hour you feed yourself 

Be conscious of your meal plan, fluid intake and your happy hours. Spend more time as happy hours, rest the body, stay off stress as much as possible. It will shock you to know that some individuals gain weight while they as stressed as opposed to majority who loose weight while stressed up.

Most importantly, sex can play a great role in maintaining the right body size. This is because: sex, orgasm...engages all  of your central nervous system. Orgasm brings you to the milky way, where one can harvest the needful fruits...

Practice personal meditation, make sure to not pray during meditation, but be INTENTIONAL with your need. Be mindful, you own your body not the other way round. You can meditate yourself to any height depending on how rightly and how badly you need that change. 

Sports may not help, dieting may not help either but your inner being can create for you your personal desires including adjusting your body parts.



What are some obvious and less obvious psychological effects BDSM might have on men and women?

Dr. Mofor Clementine CENDOH
My my my! Humans that are considered the most intelligent species on earth have actually proven their worth as they discover controversies daily.

To begin with, what is the importance of BDSM? Why should anyone get involved in such practices is what I would have asked in an ignorant mind. 

During my private research, I discovered the same nerve that causes pain is the same nerve that calibrats the highest pleasure like orgasm, joy... this clearly explains why more and more individuals indulge into hurtful practices.

About the obvious physical effects of BDSM, it is easy to get them online. But worth mentioning for those who may be lazy to check let me clear up.

The human psychology is based on systems built on a set of rules and regulations, emotions and physical adaptations. For one to recognize or perceive any psychological counter  effects it means there is an obvious opposite wave or information intake.

Satisfying the human person can be very difficult as humans can change anytime based on a programming. Some programming may come from friends. For first timers and exhausted practicers they may have some really bad after effects as enumerated below:

Self doubt: Due to our practices we are tantamount to develop self doubt. the simple BDSM practice already afflicts self doubt on men and women alike as they obviously in their private moments ponder on their actions most especially when they develop physical hurts 

In satisfaction: Sexual satisfaction will never be their thing. They will long often for violent moments always before they can calibrate sexual emotions. The satisfaction of being human will automatically disappear, as their feelings and actions towards fellow humans will be tampered with.  This can even bring about dissatisfaction in meals, affection, life, peace, love and much more. But the human being is programmed for hilarious changes, I have no right to judge 

Trauma: most BDSM practicers have serious trauma issues. As a human being, you are wired with love, from time to time the thought of hurting someone for your selfless satisfaction may drive you into traumatic stress 

Psychological rejection: Most cases and worst scenarios, long term practices and newly introduced suffer psychological rejection. 

You can't deny your true self, so what ever you do hope for the best in long term and now time.


Jan. 8, 2022, 3:04 p.m.
Women say they never orgasm from vaginal penetration and that their partners are way too selfish and inattentive to find out what gets them to orgasm - which is fine, I mean, it is what it is - but my question is why do they take it to the point where they are almost no longer interested in vaginal penetration? It's like you are complaining about selfishness but you've become the selfish one.
2 Answer requests

Mwambo Kate COO @ Enchird Technolog...
city Yaoundé, Cameroon Jan. 9, 2022, 12:23 a.m.
Dear Dr.How can a single woman deal with sexual urges?
2 Answer requests

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