Personal Brand Therapist | Bus Consultant | Relationship Counsellor | Content Creator @ NEST Consolidated
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About Dr. Mofor Clementine Cendoh
Award winning Personal Brand Therapist | Business Consultant | Speaker | Trainer | Certified Relationship Counsellor | Content Creator | Award Winner Up and running, 5 companies which cut across: media, tech, Academia, Personal Development / Personal Branding and Agriculture Founded & Running NestConsolidated, SBNAfrica, Mofor'sDiary talk show amongst others. Award winning film director, producer and writer Have branded and profiled from young career professionals to older. Eg Prof. Mrs Elizabeth Tamajong one of cameroon's strongest political icons. Conducted transformational Trainings for cameroon's customs department. At the verge of signing a 2years contract with 7multinational companies in transformational Development and personal branding Launching 2 Television broadcasting and content creation medium in a couple of months...
These interview questions were brought to you by TwoCents and Nanyongo Mwambo


What are some of the strangest governmental policies you have had to overcome whilst doing business in Africa?

Dr. Mofor Clementine CENDOH
For my country, not much.





What do you consider as the most important skill a CEO should have?

Dr. Mofor Clementine CENDOH

Who is a CEO? Is being a CEO a job or an inherited position?Is there a CEO school? Must you be your own CEO as a business founder. Guess what? I will answer the above questions during my multiple sessions on this platform. There is too much for me to elaborate on as far as CEO is concerned. Many Business startupers consider themselves as CEOs I'm forced to ask, how did we get there? This is mostly the justified reason why young Businesses fail even before they start in Africa. Let me not get out of my lane, let me answer the question of the day: The most important skill of a CEO: 1) Ability to identify and grow a version of another. 2) Good sense of power delegation. 3) Perfect communication skills4)Problem solver in teams. 5) Abilities to forsee future problems. 6)Good financial manager. 7) Project Development skills8) ABOVE ALL must have 5-15years of managerial skills and position.The above abilities can earn you the position of a CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER in a good company.

You with a 5-15 years work experience as a manager is better positioned for an Executive position then him with, a business idea, passion and money to start.



What can you say of the much recent talk of more young Africans becoming entrepreneurs?

Dr. Mofor Clementine CENDOH

It shows Africans are beginning to take their place in the world. I  Always new, Africa will not be left behind for too long.Africa's problem can only be solutioned by Africa's

My prayer will be for entrepreneurs to forget getting funding before starting, they should start however, let the rest follow. 

I also think Africans youths have always been into building self Businesses, just that they were hardly known, they were not recognized and so it looked more like they are all job seekers. Go to Nigeria,  majority of youths seek and are expressing their worth as private business owners some team up in establishing more.

Again Africans are just doing what they had always been doing, I think the world is just noticing them now.



What has been your biggest challenge so far in running 5 companies especially as a lady?

Dr. Mofor Clementine CENDOH

Nothing! SBNAfrica, FACESmagazine, NestConsolidated, NestAgroFarms and Mofor'sDiary are babies I birth each from a particular place of pain, hope or peace.With each of them distinct and growing.I got all the skills when i started my first business at the age of 7. I discovered all the secrets of Business at a very tendet age.If I have not achieved any of my goals it should just be that I wasn't ready or it was a personal decision not to move forward. So my biggest challenge in running my businesses had been nothing. Nothing again because, I am INTENTIONAL in all I do. I never hesitate to let go or add some more flame to the engine.

Did I really say Nothing???

I definitely lost it, getting the right team on board has been my biggest set back. My inability to delegate powers and give clear assignments to my team held me back for many years. 

See what I finally did. I had to study people's lives, watch real time business movies, read great books on business, communication, association and much more. I learnt to believe in my abilities to share my thoughts. I learnt how to trust blindly. I learnt and practiced and I am still learning daily.



Is there some magic formula for starting a business in this digital era?

Dr. Mofor Clementine CENDOH

No! There is no magic pill or formula to build and run a great business in this era. But as a Business consultant, i will give you three points that will help you climb up that business ladder gentle without falling back in a few moment.1) Don't start a Business based on passion. Start a Business based on the needs of your target clients, making sure they can appreciate it in monetary values.2) To start a business today, make sure to have a sense of direction and ready to sacrifice and make visible even when everyone around you doesn't sense a thing. Develop your own momentum to push upward no matter the odds 3) Desire to grow your Business with like minds and better deeper pockets. Have people around you whose pockets are deep enough to support your vision Now! Big good to all these! Try to start a Business which you can comfortable run alone for atleast 6months to 1year before looking for a staff body. Otherwise get partners.



What businesses and their models do you follow, and why?

Dr. Mofor Clementine CENDOH
Looking far back in the 1980s when i was born, Television was a very scarce commodity. My sister's husband was amongst the first men to get a television set in his seating room (1987) Our home then was more of a cinema hall. We were seen as the riches kids of GreatSoppo Buea. Then and only then did i tell me, I will oneday be watched so my name becomes the name of people's children...hahahhaah. My interest in media may over shadow all but I can assure you for a fact media is the most interesting Business sector so far. Businesses are in media and becoming an Entrepreneur. These are the greatest sectors with great enlightenment and it can bring a paradigm shift to a country's economy. Imagine a land without media and Entrepreneurs? It will definitely look like a sheep with a basket on the head! Hahaha! What I am saying is, Good media source can do and undo, grow or damage. Checkout the Inspirations brought forth by media personalities like Oprah Winfrey on her Oprah Winfrey show. Now the OWN network. She was able to become a black female billionaire thanks to media and content creation. Not to mention the lives she has offered help to through her show.With no doubt we have great Business models coming from different sectors which I definitely can't deny their greatness. My second strongest Business is Entrepreneurship. Being an entrepreneur relegates your personal growth to the right direction. How do i mean? Entrepreneurs minds work faster than a machine, they are always scouting for solutions in different spheres. Not forgetting the fact that entrepreneurs water upward every economy's economic growth. I'm looking at Tony Elumelu of UBA. That may be his main Business but day in day out he steps out looking for long lasting solutions for the younger generation in his Tony Elumelu Foundation. I definitely, I'm a media personality and I am an entrepreneur. Looking forward to over take my field of expertise.



What is Africa’s biggest challenge in terms of building global business brands?

Dr. Mofor Clementine CENDOH

Africa by nature is the leading naturally riches continent, but for artificial factor's seek, Africa has fast become the poorest of poor. To my candid opinion, Africa's Leadership is the strongest holdback for Africa's economic global inclusure. To think that no matter the terms and conditions for a Businesses, the most vital most important point which is hardly ever mentioned on paper is what Africa lacks the most. TRUST African leadership is not trust worthy at all levels. Africa's leadership has a permanent none reconciliable virus called Trust Issues eating down from the political leaders to the grass roots. How can we even mention Limited fundings and inability to provide required information and necessities for global Business brands Globally speaking, when our African Business owners, especially 1 and 2 decades backward are yet to understand the parameters instituted globally to grow a globally accepted Business brand? Africans who make up the leading population are so unteachable, the most they know how to learn and actually execute is greed and selfishness. We need to be more informed than getting excited. We must enquire and learn daily how the global marketplace works. The global marketplace has her language, if you most go global, you most study and understand the global market language. By language I'm not talking about English or French, but the way things are done globally. Things are done clearly, with faithfulness and above all dependability from all parties. My question then goes thus, Is Africa's policies dependable or are they looking up to God on the last day? Many will mention points of unfavorable funding conditions, climate change, terrorism, business registration issues, marginalisation at the international levels. This is also true a fact but what is the cause of all the above mentioned. Poor Governance.



Have you ever encountered moments in your business when it felt like things are not moving? Low clients,few sales...How did you survive the slow times but made the most of them?

Dr. Mofor Clementine CENDOH

This is not a far fetched story! I am actually in that state right now. In one of my businesses! I have not had clients for a while. The few who come can't afford, Some will pay a part and disappear with the balance. Some say I'm too expensive Some say they don't need it after they start. Others say they know where to get the same service and even better and cheaper. Guess what? For the past 2months, I halted all it activities. Ask myself deep questions on why I started that particular business in the first place. Who did i see as my ideal client? Can such clients pay? Do they actually need it? What was my marketing strategy? With all these questions to myself: only then did i notice i had a great Business but selling it to the wrong clients. I reinstituted my clients and my marketing strategy and i hope in the next 3months all will get back to better and greater. 

My advice to all entrepreneurs: young, older and oldest, always make out time for your Business to be sure it's on track



Risk management is a common issue for small businesses. With less margin for error than larger enterprises,many smaller companies either play it safe and miss opportunities or take uncalculated risks that end in disaster Therefore, how do you think small businesses can improve on their risk management. .

Dr. Mofor Clementine CENDOH
Risk is only effectual based on your level of planning and structuring. Risk is a word if over looked will be a roadmap for growth.

Let me justify then come back to our question.

Take a moment and imagine that Business in it fullness.
Seeing all what it takes to build and run a successful business. Getting to engage with friends and family to help you put up that structure. 

Do you know unconsciously, you will solve every past, present and future risks.

How does this happen?

If you go back to the history of failed Businesses you will notice  the founders will always blame their failed businesses on finance, the tax system, lack of good communication. 

But the real problem is not the above, it is actually lack of proper planning for execution. 

Remember the position and skills of a CEO?

Most small business owners think they are executives,  little do they know that they are the main RISK their Business will face in a later date. 

Essentially, focus the energies for risk on planning, researching and training to better understand your business. 

Then you can take your time to understand what is truly RISK as far as your sector is concern.



As an entrepreneur, what business sector do you think is currently overlooked but whereas has very high prospects?

Dr. Mofor Clementine CENDOH

Media and content creation: insightfully speaking, with the out break of Covid, the world is forced to stay home more than ever before. Imagine a content creator with the right skills?Imagine waking up daily on your phone, TV and radia with new amazing touching and realistic moments to remember on media.Imagine how we could help mental health through media,Imagine what would happen to our young adults who commit suicide daily around the world. If only they could be feed with the right media content.Let me tell you a story!Just about 8months ago, a diplomate from my country called me asking for help. He said, he wanted me to get him someone who could take off some scandalous information about him online. So i told him, it will mean we hack into Google servers. I told him it was not only expensive to get that done but basically impossible. Then i suggested this solution to him. Considering, when you type his name on Google, the only information that comes up was the scandal. On checking I noticed, he had nothing else online except the scandel, so I proposed him to pay me to brand him online. Because as we add up information of him online, its going to push downward the older information. Yes he did accepted, within 1 month, we had putup over 215 articles accompanied with videos, pictures, blog post magazine interviews and so much more.Within 3months of that activity, he was appointed a minister. Now that's what content creation can do to us if only we could start creating the right media content for the right audience. So yes yes yesMedia is our way forward


Ngone Mireille
Oct. 8, 2021, 7:08 p.m.
Greetings Dr, I am a young individual running a natural juice bar but I am not business inclined and I am having problems with branding the products and increasing my customer base. I feel that if I brand my products better, the sales may increase but I don't have experience nor knowledge on branding.
2 Answer requests

Dr. Mofor Clementine Cendoh
Personal Brand Therapis... @ NEST Consolidated
city Yaoundé Oct. 8, 2021, 10:42 p.m.
I must start by appreciating the starting process, to by pass that, it means you made it already. 
First, not being a Business incline is not an issue. You only need to be directed on how a Business should run and how you can leverage your energy on growing your business. Which you can contact an expect for direction ... contact and get leadings and directions. 

Building your brand, is not something you can achieve over night it takes time, consistency, and patience. You equally need a lot of Mentoring on that. You can reachout to me directly so we can go from there.
I can assure you, you are doing good already for just the fact that you started.

Reachout lets talk more.

Tobi Igbinedion Co-founder @ TwoCents
city Lagos, Nigeria Oct. 8, 2021, 7:48 a.m.
Hello Dr, I’m a bit concerned at the role ‘motivation speakers’ play in the decisions many entrepreneurs make especially whilst starting out. From experience, sometimes, the key to your business might actually be to stop something pivot rather than stay on a particular lane and keep “aspiring and desiring” 😆. ‘Cos when you’re “pumped” and “fired up” at certain public speaking events, you might run your business more on emotions than logic. If you can relate with this, is it something entrepreneurs should actually look out for? No discredit to motivational speaker though.
1 Answer request

Dr. Mofor Clementine Cendoh
Personal Brand Therapis... @ NEST Consolidated
city Yaoundé Oct. 8, 2021, 12:19 p.m.
Sir Toby, great to read from you. Your wonderful well coined words say more.

With all honesty, as the saying goes: everyone, everything have its place in this world we live in.

I personally mostly bring back my momentum by listening to motivational speakers. I will say, Entrepreneurs should be very INTENTIONAL in every action taken both for life and for business.  Listening to a motivational speaker doesn't help you solve the hard problems before you. They MOTIVATE you to hold on, think harder, ask if need be and keep pushing upward. 

Entrepreneurs, don't allow everyone be your cup of tea. As you pipe up or down you client search, so should you pipe down the motivations you listen to daily.


Mwambo Kate COO @ Enchird Technolog...
city Yaoundé, Cameroon Oct. 9, 2021, 8:07 a.m.
Hello Dr. What do you think about mentorship in Business? Like having a big brother entrepreneur whose eager to help along the way.
1 Answer request

Dr. Mofor Clementine Cendoh
Personal Brand Therapis... @ NEST Consolidated
city Yaoundé Oct. 12, 2021, 7:09 a.m.
With a straight up answer! There is nothing happening under the sun for the first time. It is a blessing to have someone who can truthfully hold your hand up your search for success. It is a blessing to have someone you can ask for help to organise the puzzles of life. Lastly don't forget to have wisdom along the way. When they speak once, hear 3000times deeper

Melou Freschenel
Oct. 9, 2021, 8:55 a.m.
Hello what does it takes for a nobody to become and entrepreneur in a chosen field such as Agriculture
1 Answer request

Dr. Mofor Clementine Cendoh
Personal Brand Therapis... @ NEST Consolidated
city Yaoundé Oct. 12, 2021, 7:13 a.m.
The simple idea of doing a business shows you are somebody. To start, besure of what you want to share, be sure of who needs it and be sure its going to bring back returns. 
Remember you are not a nobody, you are definitely someone's answered prayers. Know that you hold the solution to the world's biggest problem...just be able to identify, start telling someone about it. The first step is always the founding step.

Mewoabi Stephenia
Oct. 9, 2021, 11:09 a.m.
Good morning Dr. running many businesses can be time consuming and emotionally draining how to you mange work stress?
1 Answer request

Dr. Mofor Clementine Cendoh
Personal Brand Therapis... @ NEST Consolidated
city Yaoundé Oct. 12, 2021, 7:17 a.m.
I dare to enjoy the process along the way. Cyndy trimm said in her book (rules of engagement) that the only difference between a dollar bill and a tree is the process. See, as the challenges hit me, I know it has broken the hard nuts and opened for me new amazing opportunities. What if the was no stress, how will I be able to get the experience I now have?

Munchep Dob Sandrine
Oct. 12, 2021, 8:12 a.m.
Hi Doc i run a small wood work buisness, we do kitchen accessoires and home furnitures, seriously we lack thé marketing skills and capital to do something Big. Please Doc i will liké to know how we could go about thé problem of marketing thèse products ?? Thanks
1 Answer request

Ngone Mireille
Oct. 8, 2021, 7:08 p.m.
Greetings Dr, I am a young individual running a natural juice bar but I am not business inclined and I am having problems with branding the products and increasing my customer base. I feel that if I brand my products better, the sales may increase but I don't have experience nor knowledge on branding.
0 Answer requests

Nrinwa Mackinley
Oct. 16, 2021, 6:52 a.m.
Greetings Dr. Motor. I wish to ask; there's been a lot of noise over the media on the subject of personal branding without any strategies. How can career Executives build a strong personal brand that will position them as highly sought experts in their fields and serve as a pool of opportunities for them?
0 Answer requests

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