Human Rights & Humanitarian Lawyer @ Avocats Sans Frontieres Humanitaires du Cameroun
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About Dr Arrey Collins
Arrey Collins is a Co-founder at CAMP (where he is a Legal and Humanitarian Officer) and founder of ARREY & ASSOCIATES LAW OFFICE. He is also a Corresponding Advocate at Barreau Du Metz, France, the National Vice President at Avocats Sans Frontieres Humanitaires Du Cameroun and a Fellow/Alumni at the International Institute of Humanitarian Law, Italy He serves as a member; Amnesty international and Human Rights Watch and a Fellow/Alumni at the Center for Human Rights at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. Arrey Collins is also a Pro-bono Human Rights and Humanitarian Lawyer and the assistant secretary at the African Bar Association (Cameroon chapter)
These interview questions were brought to you by TwoCents and Tobi Igbinedion


Generally, does Africa have acceptable standards of human rights and national security? If not, How far away are we from it?

Dr ARREY Collins
The African Charter on Human and people's Rights (also known as the Banjul Charter) does not clearly provide standards of human rights and national security but it is intended to promote and protect human rights and basic freedoms in the African continent and article 9 of the African Charter dictates the right to access of information held by public and private bodies is a fundamental, indispensable to the health of a democracy and a means of protecting of other rights , especially socio-economic rights, the right may in recognized instances be restricted on grounds of national security , only as clearly provided to serve a legitimate purpose .
This article examines the methodologies adopted by the African Commission on Human and People's rights and the African Court on the rights to information compatible with international standards . 



Is there a difference between National security and Human security? If so, what is it? And which is to come first?

Dr ARREY Collins
The concept of national security can simply be defined as the safety of a nation against threats such as terrorism, war , or espionage which is imminent threat to national security of a state.
On the other hand , Human Rights are basic rights and freedoms that belong to every person in the world from birth until death .These rights apply regardless of where you are from, your beliefs or how you choose to live your life.
The link between these two concepts is extremely important because it motivates and enhances national development . National security cannot b enforced without the protection of human rights. Development requires respect for human rights and respect for human rights prevent conflicts .
We all need safety from violence, but no government should sacrifice people's Rights in the name of national security .
My recommendation under this head has always been; peace keeping and peace building approach is required to always strike a fair balance of the concepts of national security and human rights towards good governance .



Is it possible to realize basic human rights by the government at any given point in time when resources are limited?

Dr ARREY Collins
Yes it is possible. I say so because the approach in ensuring national security champions aspirations for Human dignity, reason why President Bush in 2001 stated and I quote : "in pursuits of these goals the first imperative is to clarify what the United States stands for which is defending liberty and justice, because these principles are right and true for all people everywhere. No nation owns these aspirations and no nation is exempt from them; parents in all society no matter the race and culture want their children to be educated and live from poverty and violence. No people on earth yearn to be oppressed or await midnight knock of the secret police".



What measures should we take in the maintenance of world peace and security as stipulated by the UN Charter?

Dr ARREY Collins
The most important measure we must take in ensuring world peace is striking a balance between national security and human rights.
It is fair to say that international human rights law system has come a long way since the initial declaration of intent provided by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, there has been a proliferation of international treaties and covenants dealing with specific rights or addressing particular vulnerable groups e.g; The Genocide Convention, Refugee convention, Racial discrimination convention, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights convention etc .These treaties and covenants are supplemented by a strengthening force on regional mechanisms to promote and respect human rights .
Efforts to maintain and promote world peace is reflected in reports by human rights organizations, public debates and concerns by  UN bodies which led to the appointment of a UN special Rapporteur on human rights and terrorism .



What statutory organizations have been created to protect human rights in Africa and have they been able to do so successfully?

Dr ARREY Collins
African Commission on Human and people's Rights.(ACHPR)
ACHPR Rapporteurs on Human and people's Rights 
- ECOWAS Community Court of Justice 
- African Court on Human and people's Rights (AFCHPR)
- East African Court (EACJ)
African committee of the rights and welfare of the child (ACERWC) 
It is very important to note that; the main human rights instrument in Africa is the 1981 African Charter on Human and People's rights and the main mechanisms are the African Commission on Human and people's Rights and the recently established African Court on Human and people's Rights .
In my opinion they have been succeeding because  in recent years states cooperations have improved in ratifying most of these treaties and covenants. This was motivated by a handful of civil societies and courageous human rights activists. 
In recent years democracy and has spread across the African continent to a remarkable extent, the vital importance of human rights for Africa's long term security and development has been gaining recognition as African national and inter-governmental institutions are now taking up rights issues .



Does Religious extremism have an effect on National security?

Dr ARREY Collins
Religious extremism will always have effects on national security. For example after the 9/11 2001 attacks The United States and other countries instantaneously enacted counter terrorism legislations.
Setting the parameters of the relationship between national security and human rights has prompted unprecedented debates across the world post 9/11 US attack , the spotlight is largely directed on the challenges of fighting terrorism and at the same time protecting human rights .
These debates on terrorism and counter terrorism have sharpened the focus on how to negotiate the balance between national security and Human Rights; because we all need safety from violence and terrorism .



If you were to pick an African country with a poor blend of Human rights and national security, which would it be? And Why?

Dr ARREY Collins
I would pick Cameroon which is a glearing example where relations between these two concepts have been breached .
I say so because, Cameroon is presently in a situation where the country was relatively stable and prosperous notwithstanding prolonged political differences . Due to the ongoing arms conflict between government forces and separatist arms groups , the country finds itself in mutiny; in a conflict that is still indeterminate as to where it will end.
Human Rights 2021 reports reveal the devastating effects of the arms conflict which includes ; Armed groups and government forces commiting widespread human rights abuses , including extra judicial and summary executions and mass killings and burning down of over 200 villages  across Cameroon anglophone regions.
Secondly Cameron's law No. 2014/028  of 23rd December 2014 on the suppression of acts of terrorism in Cameroon .
A careful perusal of this particular piece of legislation reveals its potential infringement on important human rights and freedoms protected by its own constitution and international human rights law.



If you were to pick an African country with an Acceptable blend of Human rights and national security, which would it be? And Why?

Dr ARREY Collins
Sierra Leone remains one of an outstanding example where efforts where made on how to stabilise a country on the basis of what is known as the Lome Agreement, those who were in the arm forces who either had access to resources or means of livelihood had to engage in disarmament, démobilisation and development.
This security reform was done in ensuring relations between national security and human rights because the approach ensured conflict prevention.


Mbimenyuy Marius Kongnso
Feb. 16, 2022, 3:53 p.m.
How does the African charter on Human and people’s rights bridge the gap between ensuring human and peoples rights and the protection/preservation of cultural values of those African countries that still hold a strong attachement to long standing cultural practices that directly violate human rights?
2 Answer requests

Dr Arrey Collins
Human Rights & Humanita... @ Avocats Sans Fron...
city Limbe Feb. 17, 2022, 2:09 p.m.

The preamble of the African Charter enumerates a list of basic Human Rights norms that must be applied by every state party. In a bid to bridge the gap between human and People's right and the protection/preservation of different cultural values in Africa , the Charter ensured the creation of the African Commission on Human and People's Rights from its Article 30 et seq. Article 62 of the charter compels each member state to submit every 2 years a report on the legislative or other measures taken to ensure rights and freedoms recognised and guaranteed by the charter. Hence in cases of those African countries that still maintain a strong attachment to long standing cultural practices that violate human rights, article le 61 of the charter stipulates that; once such cases are brought before the commission, considerations as subsidiary measures will be made to determine the principles of law , other general or special international conventions, laying down rules expressly recognised by member states of the Organisation of the African Unity, African practices consistent with international norms on human and People's Rights, customs generally accepted by law, general principles of law recognised by African states as well as legal precedents and doctrine .


Yepmo Dentep
city Douala, Cameroon Feb. 17, 2022, 2:33 p.m.
Good day Sir, Thank you very much Mr Arrey Collins for this enriching message, it's been really edifying. I am Yepmo DENTEP, following from Douala Cameroon. Away from government drawbacks, Please what can the common man do to ensure national security and respect of human rights, especially in a context as that of Cameroon?
2 Answer requests

Dr Arrey Collins
Human Rights & Humanita... @ Avocats Sans Fron...
city Limbe Feb. 17, 2022, 3:39 p.m.

Thanks Mr. Yepmo for your question. In response , I wish to state that Human Rights are basic rights belonging to all of us simply because we are humans . These rights embody the key values in our society such as fairness, dignity, equality and respect for each other .These rights are very important means of protection for us all, especially those who may face abuse , neglect and isolation , there it is an extreme state obligation and the international community while adopting national security approach, must take special considerations on human rights issues . Therefore it is not your obligation or duty to ensure national security measures do not affect your rights as a human it is a state obligation along side the international community. That is why under resolution 395 on the human rights situation in the Republic of Cameroon ,The Africa Commission in 2018 met at its 62nd ordinary session in Nouakchott, Mauritania and condemned the breach of mandatory provisions of the charter by the State of Cameroon through the use of force and provided a road map to the Cameroonian government towards the promotion of human rights in the state of Cameroon.


Hero James
city Lagos, Nigeria Feb. 17, 2022, 9:58 p.m.
What are those cultural practices that violate human rights in Africa using your country as a case study and how can it be tackled
2 Answer requests

Dr Arrey Collins
Human Rights & Humanita... @ Avocats Sans Fron...
city Limbe Feb. 18, 2022, 2:19 p.m.

For example; female genital mutilation (FGM) is one of the most prevalent harmful practices against women and girls. It is on record 80 percent of this form of rights abuse on women and young girls happen in Africa, with Somalia being the highest with about 98 % their girls having undergone such a gruesome experience. There are some Cameroon's ethnic groups that believe in FGM as a means to keep women faithful to their husbands , reduction of sexual immorality among women, removal of sexual ambiguity and improving genital esthetics . This practice use to be common with the Ejagham tribe(where I come from) in the South West region of Cameroon. Reliable information equally hold that , about 20%of girls in some communities around Kouserri were circumcised on 2010 , but by 2015, it dropped to about 2% and unfortunately went up to about 10% by 2018. Other passive examples could be found around the Northwest Region where a widow and children are deprived of property left by their deceased father. Fortunately the is a recent penal legislation in Cameroon that protects widows in this regard . Thirdly cultural norms where a widow is forced (against her will) to marry her deceased husband's brother(this can commonly be found around the Northwest Region of Cameroon) etc etc .


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