Founder @ CcHub
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About Bosun Tijani
Before CcHUB, Tijani had worked with International Trade Centre where he successfully led the development and deployment of a web-marketing and information services programme in Ghana and subsequently in Uganda and Kenya with record positive outputs. At Hewlett Packard, he successfully managed the deployment of the ODel learning centre at the Africa Virtual University in Kenya and completed the deployment of the HP, IEEE and University of Ibadan telecentre in Nigeria. He also initiated and completed the deployment of the HP Micro-enterprise Acceleration Programme learning centre at the Lagos Business School in Nigeria and provided recognizable support to its deployment in Egypt and Morocco. He later moved to Pera Innovation Network (PERA) where he served as the European Innovation Manager where he led the coordination of innovation agencies across Europe. At CcHUB, he has led social technology projects including Lagos Innovation Hotspots and i-HQ. And has driven the growth of social innovation using technology, producing initiatives and businesses that have influenced; environment, fiscal transparency, e-commerce, Healthcare, education, wellness and transportation. He also prompted the visit of Mark Zuckerberg to CcHUB on his first-ever visit to Sub-Saharan Africa
Kasope Ajibola
Feb. 25, 2021, 1:51 p.m.
Hello Bosun! Glad to have the opportunity to learn from you. My name is Kasope Ajibola. I find entrepreneurship in the digital age interesting but I often wonder how to best utilize digital resources in an economy where the most needed solutions are basic such as housing, nutrition, transportation, etc. How do you advise entrepreneurs should leverage the possibilities of the digital age to fast track Africa's development?
3 Answer requests

Somto Okolo
Feb. 25, 2021, 1:11 p.m.
Good afternoon Tijani. My name is Somto and it’s a pleasure to have you here. You are well established in product deployment across different geographical locations and I wish to know how you managed to be successful at them. A lot of product managers have launched what they believe to be the perfect product, into the wrong market., or the product was launched ahead of the market and thus didn’t cause an impact. How does one design and deploy the right product into the market at the right time
1 Answer request

Temitope Akintade
Feb. 26, 2021, 11:43 a.m.
How do young undergraduates with groundbreaking ideas and prototype find fundings for their ideas?
1 Answer request

Success Orovwotu
Feb. 26, 2021, 11:55 a.m.
Hello Bosun, Is the Nigeria entrepreneurship market still favourable to young Nigerians , observing the trends of 2019-2020
1 Answer request

Israel Sani Digittal marketing partner @ Beyond Homes Group
city Lagos, Nigeria Feb. 26, 2021, 12:01 p.m.

Good morning Bosun,

Giving your knowledge prowess in enteprenuership and digitalization, what's your take on the present situation of the ride hailing industry in Nigeria?

1 Answer request

Queensley Okon Information Officer @ Covenant University
city Ota, Nigeria Feb. 27, 2021, 5:39 a.m.
Good morning Bosun, your profile is very inspiring. I would like to know, what you think are the specific or key areas in the Nigerian business sphere that, if tackled, can generate a lot of unprecedented change and boost the economy? Secondly, do you see marketing thriving as much in this "new normal", seeing as businesses need a restructuring? Last but not least, observing the Nigerian business sphere, how have we performed in adapting to the new normal? Do you see Human Resources as relevant
1 Answer request

Ireoluwa Akinrinola
March 11, 2021, 7:03 p.m.
From my point of view, I feel we have a disorganized startup ecosystem in Africa as there is no effective communication between the key players ​Could you expatiate on the startup ecosystem developers' roles in the success of startups in Africa, and if you know of any startup ecosystem developers in Africa.
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