Success Orovwotu
Feb. 26, 2021, 11:45 a.m.
Good morning Mayowa Observing the blow that was dealt to ride hailing industry in Nigeria, do you still see Nigeria as a fertile soil for such digital entrants in the nearest future?
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Dr. Mayowa Agboola Deputy Director/Coordin... @ Open and Distance...
city Ota, Nigeria Feb. 28, 2021, 10:26 p.m.
Yes, we have lots of our youths doing great in the digital space. The ideas they have is out of this world. Very little funds are needed to create any solution around the digital space. All that is needed is the skill and the idea, that is all. Also, some Nigerians are running back to the country to start their businesses to be able to meet the needs of other countries. Someone met me last week about having a start-up around setting up charging stations for electric cars. If this is done, then electric cars will be available sooner than we think. We may have issues with power and bad roads, but I don't see it stopping the ideas of our youths The raw materials and people are readily available aside from the fact that you have to train them. Therefore, Nigeria is a fertile ground for digital entrants. It may be expensive at first but will become cheaper as time goes on. I hope I answered your question? Kindly feel free to get back to me with further questions.

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