Mwambo Kate COO @ Enchird Technolog...
city Yaoundé Oct. 9, 2021, 8:07 a.m.
Hello Dr. What do you think about mentorship in Business? Like having a big brother entrepreneur whose eager to help along the way.
1 Answer request

Dr. Mofor Clementine CENDOH Personal Brand Therapis... @ NEST Consolidated
city Yaoundé, Cameroon Oct. 12, 2021, 7:09 a.m.
With a straight up answer! There is nothing happening under the sun for the first time. It is a blessing to have someone who can truthfully hold your hand up your search for success. It is a blessing to have someone you can ask for help to organise the puzzles of life. Lastly don't forget to have wisdom along the way. When they speak once, hear 3000times deeper
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