John Abubakar
Sept. 6, 2022, 9:23 p.m.
What is the effect of offshore wind energy in Africa and how fessible is it? Do you see offshore wind energy getting more ground in renewable energy?
2 Answer requests

Loic Bethel Dje Youth and Apex Performa... @ PureBreedSbe
city Nicosia, Cyprus Sept. 7, 2022, 4:57 p.m.

Off shore wind energy in your context should refer to the use of winds blown from the land towards the water bodies. It is important to evaluate the amount of offshore wind energy we have available.

Every project is feasible depending on the necessity, emergency and cost of the projects. Offshore winds utilisation is not a profitable one for Africa.

Of course, offshore wind energy is set to grow. At the moment only about 1.7 Tera Watts are mobilised on an average using windmills. Wherever need be, the resources could be better utilized. It is not Africa's priority and shouldn't be.

What Africans could do is research and optimistic analysis of such a project, bringing it to lower scales could be better. For example, having a team of mechanical and electrical engineering students designing local windmills in localities to assist with increasing access to electricity (this is the end of point of wind energy utilisation).

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