Adebisi Adenola
June 18, 2021, 2:35 p.m.
What are your thoughts on brand activism and cause-marketing and how brand mangers could use this to connect effectively with consumers?
1 Answer request

Dr. Emmanuel Mogaji Senior Lecturer Adverti... @ University of Gre...
city London, United Kingdom June 28, 2021, 7:05 p.m.
I think it is very important for brands to reflect their target audience. This is the time of being 'WOKE' but it must be done right. Compare Gillette's advert We Believe: The Best Men Can Be and Nike's advert with Colin Kaepernick.  Gillette's advert didn't do well because people could into just buy into their message. Brand Managers needs to start considering cause marketing but need to be mindful it may back fires BUT they should always remember there was a motivation for doing it. Brand Managers could definitely use it to engage and connect with their audience. The audience sees the brands on their side, feel emotionally connected and willing to patronise.
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