Sarah Sunmola
Feb. 12, 2021, 8:23 p.m.
Hi Toyin, thank you for the lecture it really gave me great insights into digital marketing and using social influence. I just have one question. You talked about regretting not having an agency before working with Oando, i would like to know how exactly that affected your work and if it is possible to remedy it at this point in your career.
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Toyin Jolapamo Senior Digital Communic... @ Oando Plc
city Lagos, Nigeria Feb. 14, 2021, 1:17 p.m.
Hello Sarah, 

I'm glad you found it useful. 

I just wish I had more experience working with a lot of other brands and also other experts. As you can imagine, our comms team in Oando will not have as many experts in the digital space as an agency that focuses on just digital. In my role, I have been able to work with agencies though so I have picked up a lot from them. I have also just made sure to upskill myself constantly and also worked for other brands in my spare time. 
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