

What is the "most difficult" story you have ever had to write?

Hmm, that's a difficult one but I'll give it to the story on why was having issues with its banking platforms []
. I had to do investigative journalism for this one. It was a different type of story in the sense that for the first month, I couldn't find anyone who was still at the bank that could give me useful information. I got a lot of rejections. Fortunately, with persistence, I found someone who was willing to talk and with help from my former boss Goke, the rest they say is history.

I'd add that writing the story about Ghana's tech ecosystem [] was terrifying at first. It was quite a huge responsibility to write a definitive article about a county’s tech ecosystem. I kept thinking to myself, ‘one mistake like this and the whole of Ghana will drag me 😫😂’

Fortunately, I found a way around it by talking to a lot of people and getting feedback.

I've written about my experiences writing different articles here [] a little bit of some context on why I wrote some stories and unexpected feedback I got. 

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