

How intentional do you need to be with knowing your body and what gets you to an orgasm or do you just hope and pray that something happens?

Ladies and gentlemen, you must be INTENTIONAL in knowing your body. You body is your first confidence, your first exam to pass, your first smile, your body is your first hope. The first real joy you can ever experience is from your body. The first place to get empathy is your body. So why will you go study ABC without knowing your body first??

When you know your body, sex becomes more confident and true. Sex becomes more intentional and sincere. When you know you, you can enjoy sex even without having to make love or masturbate.

Knowing your body is the first and the last thing to appreciate every blessed day. You are your body, your body is actually the true you. Knowing your body better will help you fantasize your sex life better. 
So don't loose a nerve, just do all to get to know you as you want him or her to know and feel you.
ORGASM! ORGASM IS HEAVEN, IT IS THE MILKY WAY, IT IS THE TRUE DEFINITION OF LIFE! Female orgasm is very different from male orgasm. Today I will like to talk about the female body and her orgasm. 

What can bring a female to orgasm? All starts with the state of mind. Your state of mind and the environment you find yourself and whom you are with. Attaining orgasm is evidently envisage to be a deliberate act, or has to be conscious.  Now the consciousness of orgasm should be in place of your thought. A matured female after her menstrual cycle especially few days before and during the ovulation period, will naturally develop sensual sensational feelings down in the pubic areas, (nipples and clitoris). At this point if you have intercourse, you can easily find yourself in the milky way looking for a way out.

Again, when you find someone you truly have honest feelings for engaging in a sex activity, you can get to the milky way or orgasm easily.  Some other women will find their orgasm by just playing consciously with themselves (masturbation) 

Again, I think the question you really want to ask me is, how can a woman consciously get to orgasm? I do understand because, first this is not a regular topic of discussion. 

Most especially as entrepreneurs, young African ladies, middle aged women and others struggle with such questions, to think that, all your years up to PhD, you are never thought Orgasm or the human sensual sense...

Now, understand this, ORGASM, is the apex of satisfaction, joy, peace,... I call it the milky way, I call it heaven. Now how does one get to heaven if you don't want to die, I will tell you to find a way to have orgasm as many times as possible. 

When you are in the moment, focus your mind on your heart beat, listen to how every cell of your body stands attention, don't allow the troubles of this world to steal your moment, open your spirit, all the NOW to come to effect. Be calm, you will see and feel the brim of light walking right into you...

If you need more, book a session this Jan.

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