

How does one deal with body dysmorphia in their sex life?
Your body parts are actually your first brand. Discomfort in a body part due to some natural happenings will only mean you are suffering from the lack of self confidence and a need for self love.

Let's consider, you gain weight or some body deformity due to child birth or pregnancy or age like menopause. The most one should do at this point is raise your personal self esteem. 

Otherwise, before any of such changes, take time to do a personal research on what skin type you got and understand what changes you can possibly develop in case of such natural transformations. 

For the simplest reason that there maybe no real hospital that can depict the changes your body can develop during pregnancy or menopause or maturity. Do your best to look into the evolution of your senior siblings body parts both the male and female.

The first method to overcome a disaster in your body is watching out on your feeding, most especially the type  of food and the hour you feed yourself 

Be conscious of your meal plan, fluid intake and your happy hours. Spend more time as happy hours, rest the body, stay off stress as much as possible. It will shock you to know that some individuals gain weight while they as stressed as opposed to majority who loose weight while stressed up.

Most importantly, sex can play a great role in maintaining the right body size. This is because: sex, orgasm...engages all  of your central nervous system. Orgasm brings you to the milky way, where one can harvest the needful fruits...

Practice personal meditation, make sure to not pray during meditation, but be INTENTIONAL with your need. Be mindful, you own your body not the other way round. You can meditate yourself to any height depending on how rightly and how badly you need that change. 

Sports may not help, dieting may not help either but your inner being can create for you your personal desires including adjusting your body parts.
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