

Do you think oily skins are the most difficult to manage? How could one with an oily skin still have an acne/pimples free face?
I agree oily skins are the most difficult skins to manage, however, it's very possible to have an oily face and be pimples/acne free. The misconception people have about oily face is not moisturizing the skin because they feel there's enough oil on the face which is what mostly causes the skin breaking out. It's been scientifically proven that, when the face is without moisture, the body is forced to produce oils and the body constantly doing so open up the facial pores, traps dirt other substances which can cause pimples or acne.
One with an oily face has  to avoid the use of harsh chemicals and bleaching products in order to have a pimple/acne free face.
The last thing I would add is exfoliating at least twice a week especially if you wear makeup everyday. To get rid of dead skin or foreign substances in your pores which are likely to cause acne / pimples
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