Mwambo Kate COO @ Enchird Technolog...
city Yaoundé, Cameroon
In People and Society 2 min read

I know you are asking yourself how but just follow through my insight. Adults are not the only ones wasting their time on war . While child soldiers are a tragic problem, there is a way today's youth are trained to be killers : video games. I know you'd say these games are not actual warfare but on the contrary they are not harmless fun either. Children and teenagers learn how to kill and maim in virtual reality .One study of over 3,000 schoolchildren in Singapore found that "youths who play video games are more likely to think and act in aggressive ways"( Agence France-Presse). The amount of time spent on these virtual battles is astonishing. According to UberFacts , gamers collectively spent 25 billion hours or 2.85million man- years playing the popular video game series "Call of Duty" Note that these are not man- hours but man- YEARS. Millions of years wasted shooting, stabbing and blowing up virtual opponents- in just one game series! These games also teach them to hate their enemies. This is time that children , teenagers and college students could have spent on fruitful endeavours - learning about the world around them or building skills for their career or even learning an Art. So much time spent on violence has never led to a positive End. Probably one of the reasons why WARS may likely not come to an end. Keep your younger ones engaged wisely because you may be indirectly teaching them how to murder. What are your thoughts on video games and its effect on the upcoming generation? Kindly drop them in the comment section 👇

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