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Ugochukwu Asiogu I conduct research and provide critical analysis on human security, and development issues.
city Uyo, Nigeria
In People and Society 2 min read
What in the name of yoga is 'Hakini Mundra '?
To an average Nigerian who definitely does not 'like stress ' but of course, cannot afford living without it for obvious reasons, the title above could mean spiritual tongues expressed by pastors and other bible preachers whenever they are under anointing while to some others, it could also be a melodious lyrics meaning wealth and affluence. Well, to your greatest shock, non of both answers captures the correct meaning. So, what is Hakini Mudra? For people who have little or more knowledge about yoga and others who participate in it, Hakini Mudra is 'sacred' hand gesture and meditation practice that is usually done during yoga. Featuring both spiritual and psychosocial relevance, Hakini Mudra is named after the Hindu goddess named Hakini- goddess of the third eye or Ajna Chakra as it is commonly known in the yogic tradition. In her artistic form, Hakini, the goddess has six heads and sits on a lotus flower. Unsurprisingly, the six heads symbolises the brain power through which energy flows increasingly, making it possible for humans to be able to draw the strength and ability to have control over their emotions. In addition, it also has five fingertips, each with its own explanation. The thumb represents fire; the middle finger, etherr,; finger; ring finger, earth. index finger air, water, and little finger,, water. Literally, Hakini means - power to rule while Mundra on the other hand translates to the practitioner's ability to take control over the mind. Hakini Mundra is also a representation of wisdom and intuition. This is why people tend to practice it in the first place. It can be done anywhere and at any time by anyone, but this comes with a great level of psychological and physical preparation in order to be able to attract the overall gains of the practice.. It is interesting to note that sign and practice of Hakini Mudra is entirely not different from other non-verbal communication queues done with the hand. However, given its spiritual and physical impact like awareness creation, mental relaxation, self-esteem, and self-consciousness on the human system, it is believed that it is therapeutic as it plays a greater role in ensuring mental stability and physical well-being in the human system. Nonetheless, it is quite absurd why a lot of Nigerians feign ignorance over the positive impact of Hakini Mudra and rather choose to complain about the 'satanic' representation of Hakini the goddess as well as the hand position. Some people even go as far as calling it an Illuminati expression! Illuminati? For a simple exercise? When I look at things like this, I become very worried on how insensitive religion has made most of us
What in the name of yoga is 'Hakini Mundra '?
By Ugochukwu Asiogu
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