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Jefferson Nnadiekwe Freelance scriptwriter and creative photographer
city Lagos, Nigeria
In People and Society 3 min read
<p>Quick question - that brand of phone or fashion item you recently acquired, can you beat your chest and say it was out of your uninfluenced free will you made that choice? Wait! Please read the whole thing before you give your answer.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p>Mind control is real. As a matter of fact mass mind control has been in existence for a long time and we are well and truly under its influence. It is after all the greatest weapon in the arsenal of consumerism. I guess we've seen this a couple of times in a movie, perhaps in one or two books. Yet, we brushed it aside, because; fiction right?</p><p><br></p><p>While movies like "Sorry to Bother You", "Parasite" and "Fight club", might be unsettling. The real life effects of consumerism is much more disturbing. Corporations are always thinking about how to influence consumer behavior and reaction inorder to get them to buy their stuff. One of the most effective methods, is through conditioning - mind control if you please. Gently ushering the minds of the consumers towards a particular 'need', which in most cases have nothing to do with the actual product they manufacture.</p><p><br></p><p>For example, why is an iPhone associated with a high social class and elitism, when most of its features are available on other phones. Can anyone tell me a basic smartphone feature present in an iPhone which is lacking in let's say a Samsung? (I genuinely want to know). Through years of careful and purposeful advertisement and campaigns, Apple has been able to condition its customers to associate the brand with class, even though there is no concrete proof of this.</p><p><br></p><p>It is why millions of people do whatever they can to get an iPhone - it's really not about the phone but the desire to be counted among the elites and separate themselves from the poor masses who Android phones are created for. Same also applies in several other industries like skin care. A lot of people who delve into skin care and the ridiculous purchase of over priced skin care products do so not from the advice of a dermatologist, but from the need to 'glow' and possess a skin testament to their 'good living'. Same can be said of fashion, real estate etc. If you think about it, a lot of these 'upgrades' and lifestyle only start after exposure to the capitalist conditioning.</p><p><br></p><p>The most effective way to manipulate a human being into doing what you want, is to make him believe that is what he wants. Capitalism knows that and you can't even hate the corporations who use this technique because it's so simple yet brilliant. Some people call it brilliant advertising, but it's just mind control - same tricks mentalists use. Consumerism extends its tentacles and latches on to your mind, from where it is able to covertly influence your decisions while keeping the mirage that you are in charge.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p>Are there side effects to the excesses of consumerism? Definitely. I will give you one - the rise in non biodegradable waste as a result in the increase in fast fashion. There are also side effects that affects us as humans, and one of them is the constant feeling of emptiness and pursuit of the new trend. We now judge quality of life strictly by the capability to keep up with the next consumer obsession - hence we become exhibitionists and performative beings.</p><p><br></p><p>Because companies have to the main goal of selling, they have to keep making you feel like what you have isn't good enough. A new iPhone is released and suddenly, you feel the need to upgrade because of the ever so subtle nudge to do so by the manufacturers. The worse part is that you can never fully upgrade as there will always be that one new thing.&nbsp;</p>
By Jefferson Nnadiekwe
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I'm a creative screenwriter, photographer, cinematographer and creative director. You can check out some of my works here

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