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Oluseyi Vandy Freelance writer, audio producer, 3D modelling
city Lagos, Nigeria
In People and Society 4 min read
Time and Seasons
You know the saying "there's a time for everything". This is one of those words or sayings people know but haven't personalized, or really evaluated their lives through this lens. I would know, I find myself failing at this time and time again. This is a very important subject, so I had to do another in-depth post on this because it is a timeless topic that impacts the future of many. On a minor scale or level, when you hear this you think of time management, and procrastination, and you'd be right, but on a broader scale you have people that are meant to have moved to the next level; mentally, unaware that they have left the former stage of life. So while they are physically mature, they don't also grow in the ways that matter; responsibility, wisdom, approach, observation, composure, etc. This trait exists in both genders and exhibits itself in various ways. Here's the thing; we all have different stages in life. For males; you go from baby to young child to teen, to man, to husband, to father (this one has many subgroups as you then parent your children through their various stages), to granddad, then as many greats are added to your grand title. For females; baby to a young child to teen, to lady, to wife, to mother, grand mom (the title of the same great added). In these different stages, so many intricacies and transformations happen to a person; the chores, duties and responsibilities, and even roles. For example, promotions through work, dating stages, and interactions with parents, friends, nieces, and nephews. You are never completely the same person you were before. Your orientation, values, and priorities shift through each stage as you need to become someone new to face the hurdles and challenges that come with these different stages. A mix of people can help balance the dynamics, especially if the man is observant of time and seasons, though it can still be a handful and exhausting, his ability to take responsibility and lead can save the dynamics or bring his partner to the point she needs to be, in the best cases, and situations can force the individuals to rise to the occasion. But just imagine for a moment; two parents with the mental maturity of a child. Like all else in life, some people are more aware and quick to change, while some are a bit slower to observe and change. We see it in interactions: ●Those that make the change quickly thrive ●Quick to learn and volunteer for a position of service/willing to give ●Helpful, ●They are pleasant to interact with ●They start making moves quicker ●They get success earlier ●They seem to have their lives put together earlier. You even hear it in interactions, "you act older than your age". It is one of the highest compliments, though it may not always be used in such a glowing embellishment. It's something we feel or sense. Those that are slower to these changes, though a bit behind, get their life together as well and level up. What happens when someone is not conscious of the times and changes? We see it every day, whether in interactions or social media: ●They are angry and bitter (either at a specific group or the world in general) ●They are unaware of their flaws or conduct ●They are entitled ●They are selfish ●They are toxic ●They are quick to display their ignorance ●Always complaining ●Unfocused ●Unreliable/flaky ●Laziness ●Lack of accountability/blaming others ●They have a general lack of awareness of themselves and the people around them. (This is no shade but just an objective observation of some of the qualities that we should x-ray ourselves for and root out or manage). These different traits listed, as you can imagine, would make such a person, especially a grown-up; exhausting, and unpleasant to interact with. Though one person may not possess all those traits together, or a person could possess a few of those traits and still be someone aware of changes in times and seasons. The truth is that though some things come easier to some people, life is full of obstacles, and everyone has theirs to face. Building yourself to the point of competence to face it, building a network of friends, and associates that can help you solve it, or convincing them to aid you in solving it, is all your responsibility because in the end everyone is busy with their problems and no one really cares about the reasons why it did not work out for you. If they genuinely do? Or offer to help, you should cherish that individual and never feel entitled because one of the greatest acts of love is someone giving you their time. This is the highest currency we have in reality; it is time we use it for everything, learning a skill, making connections, making money, etc. In a society that is easy to share your opinions for validation. Know that the same people can turn on you at any time, so live for yourself and those that really matter to you, and the best way you can do that is by being the best version of yourself. Going through the work and building your competence, so those around you can benefit through your different stages of life, and never forget those who helped you during each stage.
Time and Seasons
By Oluseyi Vandy
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