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Jide-Jegede Tirenioluwa DevOps @ Toraaah
city Lagos, Nigeria
In Career and Jobs 2 min read
Things I Learned from the First Chapter of Atomic Habits Part One
<p>I decided to read Atomic Habits by James Clear because I needed help staying consistent with my goals and daily habits.</p><p><strong>Chapter One: The Surprising Power of Atomic Habits</strong></p><p>The first chapter started with a story of the British cycling team and how mediocre they had been for over 100 years of their existence until they hired Dave Brailsford as their performance director, leading to one of the most successful runs in cycling history. what did he do differently? He focused on improving every aspect of cycling by just one percent. He called this approach the ‘aggregation of marginal gains’, the idea of seeking tiny improvements in everything you do. Clear illustrates this with an analogy: if you improve by one percent every day for a year, you’ll end up 37 times better by the end of that year.</p><p>He discussed how often we overestimate the importance of one defining moment and underestimating the value of making small improvement on a daily basics. He explained, ‘making a choice that is 1% better or worse seems insignificant in the moment, but in the long run determines who you are and who you could be’. He emphasized that we shouldn’t really be worried about our current condition, but if our current habits are leading us to where we want to be, As he put it ‘It’s more important to focus on your current trajectory than your current results’.</p><p>Another concept Clear discussed was the Plateau of Latent Potential. He explained that change is not linear but exponential. The results of our efforts are often delayed, and this phase is referred to as the Valley of Disappointment. It’s during this stage that people often feel discouraged after putting in weeks or months of hard work without seeing immediate results. However, the truth is that the effort is not wasted. It’s being stored, laying the groundwork for future success.</p><p>Thanks for reading! I’ll be sharing part two of this write up soon. I hope we all grow and become the best versions of ourselves. Please like and share your thoughts in the comments!.</p>

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