Samuel Ibok Writer @ The Handshake
city Lagos, Nigeria
In People and Society 2 min read

<span class="html-content"> <p>This would be a very short post.&nbsp;</p><p>I promise!</p> <p>The demise of Queen Elizabeth has made rounds on the Internet. She reigned for 70 years and 214 days before passing away at 96. Her death has stirred reactions both in the positive and negative sense. What annoys me the most is the fact that people's opinions are being cancelled just because some algorithm disapproves of it.&nbsp;</p><p>As far as I'm concerned, "it's not freedom if it comes at a price". Let people speak!!! Your hero could be my villain. It is what it is.&nbsp;</p><p>Let's tone down the hypocrisy!</p><p>The trend of always trying to be politically correct or pleasing people is crazy. You can't always have it your way and that's okay. Every conversation is an opportunity to be offended.&nbsp;</p><p>As someone with a Bachelors degree in History and International Studies and a Master's in International Relations, I can boldly state that-"The Queen was not a saint"!&nbsp;</p><p>No one is!&nbsp;</p><p>This doesn't mean she was pure evil. I'm sure there were millions of people whose lives changed for the better because of her. She could even be a young lady's role model. I don't expect everyone to buy into my opinions but I would definitely share them.&nbsp;</p><p>I'm in my house, come and beat me!</p> <p>In the words of Volataire-" I disapprove of what you say but I would defend to the death your right to say it ".&nbsp;</p><p>While writing this I remembered that I may eventually jakpa to the UK. But I have to share my truth. "The truth is not anybody's friend".</p> <p>ALL HAIL THE QUEEN&nbsp;</p><p>Feel free to share your thoughts.</p> </span>

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