Godwin Erite Senior Project Executive @ FieldConnect
city Lagos, Nigeria
In Career and Jobs 3 min read
The Manager in the Middle
<p>Welcome to my world, where being a manager in a third-party marketing agency is one heck of a ball game. This middle is truly middling, there's the client, your boss, your line manager, your team, and your ad-hoc team. Welcome to the life that I live every day. This is the story of my life, where I have to maintain steeze and composure when I should be using my karate skills on everyone in moments where confusion seems to be the order of the day.</p><p>As a middle manager or mid-level manager, as it's fondly called, I've had to embody the phrase "be like water." Fluidity, adaptability, and resilience are my daily mantras. Navigating through the demands and expectations of various stakeholders requires a delicate balance and a strategic mindset.</p><p>Firstly, there's the client. Their needs and expectations are paramount. They want innovative solutions, quick turnarounds, and flawless execution. My role involves not only meeting these expectations but also managing them. It's about setting realistic goals, communicating effectively, and ensuring that the client feels heard and valued.</p><p>Then there's my boss. The pressure from above is relentless. Targets need to be met, and there's always a push for higher performance and better results. I'm the bridge between the upper management's strategic vision and the ground-level execution. This requires a keen understanding of both the big picture and the minute details.</p><p>My line manager plays a crucial role in this dynamic. They provide guidance and support but also have their expectations and pressures. Balancing their directives with the practicalities on the ground can be challenging. It's about finding that sweet spot where their vision aligns with the team's capabilities and the client's needs.</p><p>My team is the backbone of my daily operations. They are the ones who execute the plans and deliver the results. Keeping them motivated, engaged, and focused is a continuous effort. I need to be a leader, a mentor, and sometimes a friend. It's about fostering a collaborative environment where everyone feels valued and heard.</p><p>The ad-hoc team adds another layer of complexity, they can be the backbone of frustration at times. These are the specialists brought in for specific projects. Integrating them into the existing team dynamic and ensuring seamless collaboration can be daunting. It requires clear communication, defined roles, and a lot of coordination.</p><p>In this intricate web of relationships and expectations, I've had to become a master of many trades. I'm the problem solver, the strategist, and the mediator. I need to manage them all (clients, bosses, line managers, teams, and ad-hoc members). Each day is a juggling act, where maintaining composure and clarity is key.</p><p>Sympathy and empathy are essential tools in my arsenal. Understanding the pressures and perspectives of all parties involved helps in finding common ground and building trust. It's about being a good listener and showing genuine concern for their issues.</p><p>Confusion might seem like the order of the day, but in the chaos lies opportunity. It's about finding solutions amidst the noise and driving the team towards success. The ability to stay calm under pressure, think strategically, and act decisively is what sets a successful middle manager apart.</p><p>So here I am, managing expectations, solving problems, strategizing, and keeping everyone happy. It's a tough job, but someone's got to do it. And that someone is the manager in the middle, thriving in the chaos, and making things happen every single day.</p><p>Kindly indicate if you can relate.</p>
The Manager in the Middle
By Godwin Erite
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