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Jefferson Nnadiekwe Freelance scriptwriter and creative photographer
city Lagos, Nigeria
In Politics 2 min read
One of the accusations levelled on those who sell their votes is that; they are selling their future or throwing it away. And the frustrations we feel towards such act is understandable and valid. But, have we ever considered that majority of those who sell their votes for paltry sums, do not have the 'luxury' of considering the future. It is majorly the under privileged and poor citizens of the society, who engage in such acts. Those ones who live literally from hand to mouth. Such people are what I like to describe as the 'now people'. People whose major concern is the present. These people survive by seeking what can get them through each day. The lucky ones, get something to sustain them for the day. The others, go hungry and try again the next day. If these group of people are offered five thousand naira, by a politician, for their votes. Is it really strange that they accept the offer? To them, what is the value of thinking about the future, when they can get something to take care of themselves at the moment. It is basically how they have been living, and our judgement would not make their lives easier. So what can we do? It is clear poverty is a tool which has been mastered by the evil politicians. I for one, am of the opinion that we cannot continue to ignore the poor and less privileged. Those of us who have the luxury of thinking about the future, should find a way to bridge that gap. They have been neglected by the politicians and by us, so they have no reason to be loyal to any. Their loyalty lies with whom can give them what they need at the moment. I have always desired that the rich and privileged in the society, take community development seriously. Forget about the mindset of: it's the government's responsibility. Do we actually think the people we are trying to take power away from, would throw away a useful weapon such as underdevelopment, and community neglect? Rather than going online and criticizing and cussing them out for selling their votes, we should be more attentive to their struggles. They cannot be accused of selling their future, if they have been made to believe they have no future anyway. We should ask ourselves, how we can bridge the gap, so they do not have to feel entirely neglected. It is bad that nobody actually cares about these people, but expect them to act according to a certain standard.
By Jefferson Nnadiekwe
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