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Jefferson Nnadiekwe Freelance scriptwriter and creative photographer
city Lagos, Nigeria
In Christian Theology 3 min read
Last night I saw the Hollywood movie, Father Stu. A film based on the true story of an American Reverend Father, Stuart Long. The greatest takeaway from that movie is how suffering is a fulfillment of God's love. What we often do not realize is that suffering is a gift. It's a gift, which we often do not acknowledge because of the pain that accompanies it. But if we let it, suffering is a means by which we can draw closer to God. Like in the movie, our suffering can be a source from which others can draw inspiration and faith. It is human nature to complain and question God whenever we have to go through pain and a difficult situation. Such situation, could be the death of a loved one, loss of property, lack, or even ill health. We believe God has forsaken us in times like these. The thing though is, it is in times like these we should call on Him, with a pure and sincere heart. While we go through pain, we realize that he is our one true helper. The suffering in the wilderness made the relationship with God and the Israelites stronger. He wanted his people to remember how He saw them through that unpleasant experience. It was significant, and important to the faith of the Israelites. If they did not experience the wilderness and all its dangers and suffering, they most likely would not have the relationship they have with God and enjoy his provisions, even to this day. It is common to think of the absence of suffering, as the true evidence of God's love. However, it is in the presence of abundance and happiness, that we often forget His faithfulness and mercies. We are tempted to attribute our accomplishments to our own power and doing. We need to be reminded of our own limitations. Success and wealth are temporal, we only enjoy them during our time here. And they could be taken away from us at any moment, making us bitter and mournful. We forget who it was who gave them to us in the first place. We forget who it was who sustained and saw us through, before we acquired them. Rather than looking back and acknowledging God's faithfulness in times of lack, human beings look back with fondness on the period of abundance. Pain allows us draw closer to God. In pain, we pour our heart during prayer. If we are attentive, we would realize that God feels nearer to us at these times. He is ever present, ready to comfort us. You most probably do not remember what you said in prayers during the times of tribulation, but it was the most sincere and deepest prayer you could have made. The suffering on its own is not the love of God. But rather the grace to go through such times, with His guidance and presence is a testament of his love. The greatest miracle might not be the absence of infirmity, but our ability to live through it. Do not give up if you are in the middle of a great tribulation. You may feel like you're all alone, deserted by God. What you need to do is look within, past the surface. Then you would realize that He is present with you.
By Jefferson Nnadiekwe
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