Jefferson Nnadiekwe Freelance scriptwriter and creat...
city Lagos, Nigeria
In Literature, Writing and Blogging 2 min read

Can we change who we are, without any negative consequence? Sometimes, we have an unpleasant experience, which makes us resolve to change who we are. It could be that someone didn't appreciate our kindness, or tried to exploit our empathy and selflessness. And in an attempt to prevent such from happening again, we resolve to alter who we are. The down side to this though, is that in that phase of altering who we are, we damage ourselves further. Whoever might have hurt us, would probably be living his/her own life unperturbed. While we struggle to become someone entirely different. It is often said that if you let someone change who you are, you grant that person power over your life. And this saying cannot be more true than it is. Consider this analogy: If you decide to cook a pot of rice, hoping to share it amongst a group of people. Do you take it away and lock it up, if one person out of the group refuses to eat? Our personalities and in this case; empathy, are gifts that we are meant to share with others. It is certain that not everyone is going to appreciate them. But that doesn't mean that we should withdraw it. Some times, when I pray, I ask that I be led to the people who would truly appreciate me for who I am. So that I don't come into that temptation of trying to alter my core. Remember this - you can adjust bits of your personality, without damaging who you are. But attempting to change the core of your being, is often catastrophic.

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Hi, it's Jefferson, thanks for reading my insights.
I'm a creative screenwriter, photographer, cinematographer and creative director. You can check out some of my works here
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