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Mwambo Kate COO @ Enchird Technologies Sarl.
city Yaoundé, Cameroon
In People and Society 2 min read
The Best Way To Ensure You Make No Progress.
<p> to compare yourself to others.</p><p>You know that feeling when you see someone with a good job, trendy cars, successful business or even someone else's post on on Facebook ,Instagram, X and Twitter and you're like , "That's so cool/ beautiful/smart, amazing?"</p><p>And then the wheels in your head start spinning , and you start comparing yourself to others?</p><p>It's a ridiculously easy thing to do . And we all do it. It's a rabbit hole that leads to feeling like we have to do more like this person to be successful.</p><p>Instead of&nbsp; lists like Forbes "under 30" or "under 40" , show me someone who has found love for something later in their life , followed their passion and thrown themselves into it like a smiling !diot.&nbsp; I wish less people glorified accomplishing things before 30 and 40.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>But the truth is : No one else can be you. Remember that when you start the comparison game . And remind yourself of every single thing You do like no other. You don't need to rush to pull together a life that resembles some other person's idea of how a 30 0r 40 -year old should live.&nbsp;</p><p>These lists , whilst seemingly celebratory, often perpetuate a culture of comparison and unrealistic expectations -making us feel more shit about not meeting arbitrary milestones.</p><p>The glorification of&nbsp; especially youth achievements sets unrealistic benchmarks .</p><p>In reality, success knows no age limit and can manifest at any stage in life . And, often , that success might look like having a heart full of love and a regulated nervous system.</p><p>Success might look like perseverance, passion, and people around us . By our side.</p><p>Property ownership isn't the only sign of progress,</p><p>The accumulation of things doesn't equal happiness,</p><p>Marriages aren't necessarily a sign of maturity , or a shortcut to stability</p><p>Having a baby doesn't mean you're a mature grown-up,</p><p>Just not having a baby doesn't make you an irresponsible slacker either.</p><p>The whole society is geared around these expectations. It takes real strength to individuate and do it at your own pace .</p><p>You've got all your success in the palm of your hands, and YOU'RE in control of how it goes .100%. You've got this.&nbsp;<br></p><p>Lets take the pressure off .Most people are still trying to figure life out . Evolution and development is a lifelong process.</p><p>Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.</p>
The Best Way To Ensure You Make No Progress.
By Mwambo Kate
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