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Adeyemi Adeyinka Snr. I.T Executive @ Octoplus/Plus Marketing
city Ikeja, Nigeria
In Religion 2 min read
Spare Wheel
<p>Prayer is far more than a backup plan; it's the engine that drives our faith, hope, and trust in God. It is our model of communication with Him—a foundational tool for building a deep and intimate relationship.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Prayer should never be a one-way street where we speak, and God simply listens. In any genuine conversation, there is a speaker and a listener, and both respond. So why do we often assume that God won't respond to our prayers? The truth is, He speaks every time we pray—we just need to be attentive and listen when He does.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p>Too often, we mistake the end of our spoken prayer, marked by "Amen," as the conclusion of the conversation. But God's communication is not confined by time or our attention spans. To truly connect with Him, we need to listen more than we speak, creating space for His guidance and direction.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>When we treat prayer as an occasional fix rather than a daily priority, we miss out on its transformative power. A consistent and meaningful prayer life allows us to experience the depth and richness of a real conversation with God.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p>So, let's shift our perspective on prayer. <br>Make it a priority, not a backup plan. <br>Use it as the driving force to move your life forward, and remember—it’s a two-way conversation, where listening is just as important&nbsp;as&nbsp;speaking.</p>

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