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Samuel Ibok Marketing Supervisor @ Crusader Sterling Pensions Limited
city Lagos, Nigeria
In People and Society 1 min read
<p>Whether or not you believe it, the thought pattern in every clime influences the actions and inactions of its residents. It's crazy how the ideas of dead people shape our society today. In Nigeria, it's common to hear "Our people said" whenever elderly people want to advise you on something they consider to be a deviation from the norm. While it is important to understand and respect people's traditions, you must also protect your rights as a human being. Please, I'm not saying you should be unruly in your approach to a practice that doesn't suit you. I know it can be very painful most times. Sadly, you still have to tread with caution even when you're on the right side of the law because these days, ANYBODY FIT COLLECT!<br></p><p>Some of these traditions are toxic and inhibit people's progress. However, they are widely endorsed, which makes them difficult to break. We are part of society, and our voice or silence will eventually frame the realities of future generations. </p><p>The challenge lies in finding a balance between honoring traditions and advocating for progress. Change often meets resistance, especially when it threatens long-held beliefs and practices. Yet, change is essential for growth and development. Engaging in open dialogues and educating others about the benefits of evolving cultural norms can gradually lead to a more enlightened society. </p><p>Another important aspect to consider is the role of youth in shaping the future. Young people are often at the forefront of challenging outdated practices and introducing new perspectives. By empowering the younger generation with knowledge and critical thinking skills, we can ensure that they are better equipped to question harmful traditions and advocate for a more just and equitable society. </p><p>Ultimately, it is crucial to recognize that while traditions can provide a sense of identity and continuity, they should not be upheld at the expense of individual rights and progress. As members of society, we have a responsibility to speak up against harmful practices and support efforts to create a more inclusive and forward-thinking community. </p><p>The question now is: WHAT WILL YOU SAY?</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p>
By Samuel Ibok
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