Chidera Odom Restaurant Operations M... @ Sundry Foods Ltd
city Benin City, Nigeria
In Literature, Writing and Blogging 3 min read
<p>We were all well informed, but,</p><p>We chose what we used for our debut.</p><p>The flashy cars and pretty dresses,</p><p>All those did not define adulthood's stresses.</p><p><br></p><p>Life didn’t evolve, it’s the people in it that evolved,</p><p>Our perceptions, our dreams, constantly resolved.</p><p>We chase after the glitter, the glam, the fame,</p><p>But find ourselves trapped in the very same game.</p><p><br></p><p>How did I grow up with the wrong idea about life?</p><p>I was raised by watchful parents who toiled day and night,</p><p>Yet, my reality was not completely what they hoped for.</p><p>I realize they hoped for better.</p><p><br></p><p>Their early mornings and late nights were never appealing,</p><p>After all, I am one who loves to take my time in bed.</p><p>More so, I love to read, write, speak and mingle.</p><p>It's all I did as a child and now, I am craving it.</p><p><br></p><p>Of all the choruses we sang,</p><p>The one I abhor the most these days is the one about the sea .</p><p>The sea I only got to see once, with its promise of freedom and tea,</p><p>My adult dreams now thrashed in the bayou.</p><p><br></p><p>I had always hoped we’d be great friends; the sea and I,</p><p>Always close only in thought,</p><p>That I’d love to live, to float,</p><p>But the only thing it does is take my breath away.</p><p><br></p><p>The sea whispers secrets, its vastness untold,</p><p>Yet we fear its depths, the stories it holds.</p><p>Adulthood promised freedom, a life without care,</p><p>But we find ourselves tangled in a web of despair.</p><p><br></p><p>We were warned of the trials, the struggles ahead,</p><p>But the warnings were whispers we easily shed.</p><p>The world painted pictures of riches&nbsp; in bold,</p><p>Yet here we stand, weary, feeling cold.</p><p><img src="/media/inline_insight_image/sob 3.jpeg" alt=""><br></p><p>The books I read spoke of courage and might,</p><p>Heroes who conquered with all of their might.</p><p>But real life’s battles are fought with silent screams,</p><p>And the weight of the world can shatter our dreams.</p><p><br></p><p>While we sit and wish life were easier,</p><p>It keeps on passing by, right before our eyes, busier.</p><p>Why not grasp the moment and live your reality?</p><p>Better days will come, but only if you can live through the brutality.</p><p><br></p><p>Still, within us lies a spark, a flame,</p><p>A hope that tomorrow won’t be the same.</p><p>We yearn for a life where our hearts can soar,</p><p>Where dreams aren't buried, but we are allowed to discover.</p><p><br></p><p>So, let’s embrace the lessons, the paths that we’ve trod,</p><p>And trust in ourselves, our own guiding rod.</p><p>For life’s a journey, not a race to the end,</p><p>And true success is found in the love we extend.</p><p><br></p><p>Hold tight to your passions, let them be your guide,</p><p>For in them lies the essence of life’s true ride.</p><p>And when the sea calls, don’t turn away,</p><p>Dive deep into its depths, let your spirit sway.</p><p><br></p><p>For in the waves, there’s a rhythm, a song,</p><p>A reminder that life, with all its rights and wrongs,</p><p>Is a dance, a journey, a story to be told,</p><p>Embrace it with courage, and let your heart unfold</p>
By Chidera Odom
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