Samuel Ibok Writer @ The Handshake
city Lagos, Nigeria
In Business Development 1 min read

Hello everyone. I honestly feel like asking how market! Lol. I'm guessing some of you have come across the statement "everyone is selling something". If you've not heard it before, you've heard it now. Tell me thank you! One way or the other you're selling something and sales is critical to the success of any business. When most people hear SALES, they automatically imagine a financial transaction or a physical market. Well, that's not entirely wrong but sales is more than that. Your strict parents are selling you discipline, that hard guy who has all of a sudden started sending you poems and love letters is selling himself to be the right person for you, and even our politicians engage in sales. That said, I've decided to bless y'all with some relevant points about sales. These are lessons gathered from experience and research on the brutal world of sales/marketing! See ehhh, it's brutal out here. In fact, sales is not for the faint hearted. You're probably wondering who's this nice guy that wants to share such value with us. Yeah, I'm generous like that. So, the classes are free but you have to PAY ATTENTION. Your first assignment is to re-read this post and share it with your colleagues, friends, and foes. Also, kindly write down the lesson you've learnt from this post. Be an OBIdient student! Kindly watch out for more TWO CENTS. Learn-Unlearn-Relearn.

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Hi, it's Samuel, thanks for reading my insights.
I'm a Creative Writer and Poet on a mission to Tell Stories That Torch! You can find some of my works below
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