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Chidera Odom Restaurant Operations Manager @ Sundry Foods Ltd
city Benin City, Nigeria
In Literature, Writing and Blogging 3 min read
<p>I hold the knife, sharp and fevered.</p><p>The onus—he’d always say—is mine to bear.</p><p>Do I accept or sever all ties?</p><p>One glance at his mousey face, and I falter.</p><p>For him, it's too late.</p><p><br></p><p>The harm is done, wounds gaping and festering.</p><p>He’s been hurt like this before, but I am no medicine.</p><p>Not one of my bonds has ever held strong or firm.</p><p><br></p><p>I own up to what I am.</p><p>Claim my flaws, my responsibility, my retribution.</p><p>Do you think I cower in fear of pain?</p><p>That I lack the courage to stand on the ledge,</p><p>Teetering between the light and the dark?</p><p>The hypocrisy runs bone-deep,</p><p>But my spirit refuses to be brain-dead.</p><p><br></p><p>I see all I am—and all I could be with you.</p><p>But the fear, lodged in my bones, holds me back.</p><p>Steeped in my once guttural plea to escape</p><p>A bond so strong it still holds.</p><p>Trapped in my instinct for self-preservation.</p><p><br></p><p>Yes, I regret it deeply—</p><p>But not before gratitude for the second chance.</p><p><br></p><p>For a time, pain ruled me.</p><p>Every blip of memory triggered a response I couldn’t push away.</p><p>Each tear my heart shed left a million cracks,</p><p>Creating rivers that swallowed the anguish whole.</p><p><br></p><p>My heart pressed on,</p><p>Journeying like a fevered beast seeking restitution,</p><p>Bleeding, leaving an obnoxious trail.</p><p>One moment I’d patch the wounds; the next,</p><p>I’d claw at the sutures and leave them gaping.</p><p><br></p><p>Hollowness stung, and I tried to fill it—</p><p>Anything that fit became my solace.</p><p>Until one day, I looked and saw no more blood.</p><p>Not mine, at least.</p><p>I’d found donors willing to bleed for me.</p><p><br></p><p>Yes, I was marked,</p><p>But I was covered.</p><p><br></p><p>Realizing what I had done,</p><p>I cut all ties,</p><p>Pulled out my feelings, and peered into the hollow.</p><p>It wasn’t white, but it was pure.</p><p>It was tainted, but not beyond saving.</p><p><br></p><p>A whisper came then—</p><p>The voice of my strength, sheer stubborn will:</p><p>"There’s nothing you need that you don’t already have."</p><p><br></p><p>So I fought,</p><p>Like Arthur pulling the sword from stone,</p><p>To feed that strength.</p><p>Now, the hollow is a scar,</p><p>Still fading,</p><p>Still healing.</p><p><br></p><p>The pain is yesterday’s ghost—</p><p>Haunting but no longer ruling.</p><p>I am better for it, though its grip still lingers.</p><p>And yet,</p><p><img src="/media/inline_insight_image/Beautiful 3.jpeg" alt=""></p><p><br></p><p>I turn around, and there you are:</p><p>My healing,</p><p>My weary stranger.</p><p><br></p><p>In all my years, I’ve never known softness like this.</p><p>It moves, it proves,</p><p>It holds true.</p><p>It’s not bottled or capped,</p><p>Not strung out or goaded.</p><p>It’s not docile or beat,</p><p>Not weary or starry-eyed.</p><p><br></p><p>How did I know this existed?</p><p>To recognize it now that it’s near,</p><p>To hold it close and never fear.</p><p><br></p><p>I saw the loss in my brother’s eyes—by God, I did.</p><p>To lose this and have only emptiness to show.</p><p>I reached out,</p><p>To console,</p><p>To heal.</p><p><br></p><p>What will he think—perfect or real?</p><p>Will he see it for what it is?</p><p>A gift meant to satisfy,</p><p>Meant to fill.</p><p><br></p><p>For what it’s worth,</p><p>It is a sacrifice I mean to make</p>
By Chidera Odom
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