Mwambo Kate COO @ Enchird Technolog...
city Yaoundé, Cameroon
In Psychology 1 min read

We all know that feedback and advice aren't exactly the most popular things in the world. People might come to you asking for help, but then they turn around and ignore your advice. And do you know why? Because advice or feedback can feel like a gut punch to their sense of self-efficacy. But here's the thing, it's all about HOW you deliver that feedback. If you want to deliver feedback that sticks and has an impact, start with offering valuation. Validate some element of their behavior-their enthusiasm, their grit , their patience or their creativity. This way, they'll feel like you're on their side. Then, you frame things from the perspective of growth. "You know what will make you even more effective? what would take you to the next level?" Because, here's the truth, people want to grow. And when you approach feedback with the intention of wanting to see someone succeed (rather than just pointing out their faults), it's a total game changer. As the OG Dale Carnegie said, "give them a fine reputation to live up to, and they will make prodigious efforts rather than see you disillusioned". How about you? how do you respond to unsolicited advice or feedback?

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