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Oluseyi Vandy Freelance writer, audio producer, 3D modelling
city Lagos, Nigeria
In People and Society 4 min read
Optimist Anonymous
My name is _____ and I am an optimist.  When people hear the word optimist, they think of always being happy, and delusional, my middle name is Hope detached from reality. As much as I would like to agree with the Hope part cause it's a great name, no that is not my name, and no, I'm not always happy that would just be exhausting, and quite frankly, a case can be argued that someone always happy has few screws that have shaken loose. What does it mean to be an optimist? Google would tell you "a person who tends to be hopeful and confident about the future or the success of something." The funny part is that everyone has hope, as far as you have lived, you do, once did, or will at some point, multiple times. Except you don't want anything in life, and humans do; it is a feature of a living thing, the difference is how complex the wants or needs are, and man has the gift of planning years into the future. This in itself is hoping, and believing you will be alive for that long when the unpredictability of life is a constant, still we say things like "see you tomorrow" when it isn't promised. Since it's clear that everyone at one point in time has hoped and will hope, why isn't everyone an optimist? Well, let me put it this way, the globe is filled with many that can sing, but not all of them are artists or musicians, in summary, hope, and belief is a way of life, their default, come rain or shine. This does not mean that they don't lose hope, get doubtful, or see the reality that surrounds them. It's like courage, the word exists because of fear, or the reality of a scary situation and the person chooses to defy that fear to act, quicker than those around. There is an understanding that optimists have, you can even say it's one of the laws of the universe (though if we are being honest, every trait of humanity is in response to one law of the universe or the other), they know that every situation no matter how bad comes to an end... or at least hope that since most things come to an end, the bad does as well. They have a calm and confidence that is rooted in whatever you may call it, higher power, God, actions, and/or the malleability of reality. This is why everyone can look at a situation and freeze at that moment, but they know that action brings a reaction, and this reaction if done well and frequently enough, will cause change. Why am I an optimist? Because I am a student of history and Faith. I know the world is full of suffering, but people that have suffered the worst and the cruelest nature or aspects of humanity have still risen to the highest heights, because there was a time the thought of man flying would be considered madness if you were not referring to angels (I imagine the mockery the Wright brothers went through), but now there are planes and jetpacks. It's so overlooked and underrated that people can now change gender (my views on the matter aside). Imagine you could go back in time to the pre-colonial era and show them a cellphone, and its ability to take pictures. You'd be hung, burned, or drowned and accused of witchcraft, and that is from the Westerners; probably would go something like "*gasps* My God! (S)He is capturing the souls of those (s)he snappeth. Vile sorcery". It takes faith, knowledge, time, and will to challenge the present for you to create, even if the creation has never been dreamed of by anyone. You may not be the one to accomplish it, but you may very well set the foundation for someone in the future who may have the resources, and time to. This is what the optimist knows and tries with each challenge to exercise over the present, or a situation; because the mind is the most powerful tool we have, everything that has been made was first thought of, even the ones by accidents were a result of some other thought that led to action. It is decisions that lead to change, so though society might shame you for your sunny disposition, it is what makes you different, and you are not alone, welcome to Optimists Anonymous where we teach you how to get addicted to the kind of mindset that keeps you going just a little longer when people would normally give in. Our motto is “situations can change at any time”. Let's be honest, which is better? Not hoping for the best, so you do not bother to give your all, because... "let's face reality," or you give it everything you've got and hope. One at least has the chance of you winning, the other? You certainly won't.  Glad to have you, I hope to catch you at the next meeting.
Optimist Anonymous
By Oluseyi Vandy
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