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city Lagos, Nigeria
In People and Society 4 min read
My Pet Peeves: Don’t Touch Me (Unless It’s a Hug)
<p><span style="background-color: transparent;">At a time in my life, I thought that “pet peeve” meant “your favorite pet.” Hmmm… Laugh all you want. It doesn’t matter anymore cause I’m now aware. Besides, we listen, and we do not judge.</span></p><p><strong>Physical Space </strong></p><p>I know this might sound weird, but I’m a bit of a contradiction. I love hugs from people I care about. I also enjoy holding hands or getting a pat on the shoulder from friends and loved ones — it’s a sweet way to show affection. However, there’s a big caveat: I hate being touched by strangers. </p><p>You know, those unexpected taps on the shoulder or arm from someone you don’t know? Yeah, that makes me super uncomfortable (yikes!). I’m not asking for much — just respect my personal space, please. </p><p>But here’s the thing: even with friends and people I’m close to, there’s still one area that’s off-limits — my face. I know it sounds silly, but I just don’t like people touching my face. You can hold my hand, give me a shoulder squeeze, or even wrap me in a big, warm hug, but please keep your hands away from my face. </p><p><strong>Other Pet Peeves That Might Drive Me Crazy </strong></p><p>This got me thinking: what are some other pet peeves that might drive people crazy? Here are a few more of mine: </p><p>1. <strong>Texting with Short Forms:</strong> I get it; texting is supposed to be quick and convenient. But come on, can’t you type out the full words? “HBD,” “HNM,” “GUD MORN,” or “LLNP” might save you a few seconds, but it can also come across as lazy or dismissive. It’s not just about saving time; it’s about clear communication. </p><p>2. <strong>Texting with Grammatical Errors:</strong> It drives me crazy when people text using grammatically incorrect sentences, like typing “AM FINE” instead of “I’M FINE,” using “YOUR” instead of “YOU’RE,” and a lot more. It’s a small thing, but it shows a lack of attention to detail. Using correct grammar and spelling, even in texts, shows respect for the person you’re communicating with. </p><p>3.<strong> Flies and cockroaches:&nbsp;</strong>My Arch-Nemesis: I have a confession, flies are the bane of my existence. Those tiny, winged creatures and their creepy, crawly counterparts can turn me into a hot mess. I’m talking screaming, crying, and frantically waving my arms like a lunatic. It’s not pretty.</p><p>So, to all the flies and cockroaches out there, let this be a warning: <strong>STAY. AWAY. FROM. ME.</strong> I don’t care if you’re just trying to live your best fly&nbsp; or cockroach life, buzzing around and sipping sweet tea or scavenging for crumbs. Just keep your pesky selves away from me, or we’ll have a problem. A big, loud, tearful problem.&nbsp;</p><p>You're both officially on notice: no more buzzing, no more crawling, and no more unwanted visits.&nbsp;Got&nbsp;it?&nbsp;Good!</p><p>4.<strong> Slow walkers:</strong> Slow walkers who take up the entire sidewalk can be frustrating. Come on! If you’re not going to walk, please step aside. </p><p>5. <strong>Drivers who don’t let pedestrians cross:</strong> These sets of people are not only rude but also reckless, especially on a zebra crossing. Share the road and show some respect for human life! </p><p>6.<strong> Calling on a video call without prior notice:</strong> Can’t you send a text or schedule a call like a normal person? Eh? Answer me o. </p><p>7. <strong>People who don’t clean up after themselves:</strong> These people are not only lazy but inconsiderate. Take responsibility for your mess, my friend! (read in “Nigerian English”) </p><p>8. Slow internet or technology: Slow internet or technology can be super frustrating. ATMs, POS, terrible WI-FI connections, mobile apps, and communication networks like MTN, Glo, Airtel, etc. Can’t we have fast and reliable internet/tech for once? </p><p>9. When someone doesn’t hold the door open for the person behind them: It’s just plain rude. Show some kindness and hold the door! </p><p>10. People who play loud music or videos in a public vehicle: These sets are not only annoying but also oblivious. Keep the noise down. Be moderate and demure. </p><p>11. When someone says “no offense” but then proceeds to offend you: If you’re going to say something rude, hurtful, or insensitive, own it! Own it with your full bony chest, or better still, don’t say it. </p><p>I hope this list made you smile, nod your head, or maybe even feel a little better about your pet peeves. </p><p>Remember, we’re all human, and we all have our quirks. Let’s just try to be kind to each other, okay? Thanks for reading about my pet peeves. Until next time, stay patient and tolerant.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p>
My Pet Peeves: Don’t Touch Me (Unless It’s a Hug)
By Ofonime Koko
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