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Dr Mo Ameer Intern doctor at MUH (Mansoura University Hospitals) @ Mansoura University
city Al Manşūrah, Egypt
In Health 1 min read
Monkeypox new old virus 🦠 - In shorts
First discovered in 1974 in Democratic republic of Congo in West Africa, Nowadays in 22 May we had more than 250 confirmed and suspected cases in more than 16 countries, but first appeared recently in Sacramento county and first in state of California USA. According to CDC, Center for Disease Control and Prevention the incubation period (5-21days) It's symptoms are varying from mild fever, general body aches, malaise, and muscle aches. Rash then nodules, blisters then becomes firm nodule and pustule. Then skin scabs and heals over Transmission is through close contact with cases with lesions, body fluid, respiratory droplets and through contaminated materials as clothes. Good news is that disease is self limited and recovery is in about 95% only 5% of all cases progress to severe disease. If suspected infection with Monkeypox we can test for it by taking sample of lesion to test for Monkey. Fortunately chickenpox vaccination has cross protection over Monkeypox. Even if the vaccine is given up to two weeks after exposure, it may modify the disease, making it less severe.  Some antivirals, immunoglobulins may also treat the monkeypox. Finally, our advise is to keep hygiene, social distance from infected people and contact with health authorities in your area if you feel any of the above mentioned symptoms and no need to fear it's such a self-limited disease.

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