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Ugochukwu Asiogu I conduct research and provide critical analysis on human security, and development issues.
city Uyo, Nigeria
In History and Culture 3 min read
<span class="html-content"><p>Even though I have said it once in one of my articles, I will continue to say it until it sinks into the heart and minds of every of the people. African cultures are the most unique, dynamic and fun-filled cultures across the globe. Call then funny, uncivilised, nasty, undeveloped or what have you, the truth remains that they are an embodiment of a people's humanness and existence. </p> <p>African cultures project the real life experiences and practices of a people who had lived and continue to live in accordance with their inherited traditions and beliefs. It tells the story of the peoples' ancestral heritage and unfiltered traditims of origin. One of these traditions that is worth understudying is the "Act of Lip-stretching" among women in Surma.</p> <p>The Surma people comprises three ethnic groups namely: the Marsi, the Suri and the Mekon. Particularly, the Suri and the Mursi share a similar culture and their wonens" beauty is determined by the largeness of their lip.😀 Yes, you heard that rightly. Lip plates are made of wood or clay which range between 5 and 25 centimetres and I order to ensure that it fits into the lip of the Suri and Mursi women, about two or four teeth are forcefully removed before the lower lip is cut to fit the lip plate. </p> <p>It is important to note that the lip plate process is carried out by mothers on their daughters especially when they attain puberty age. In order to stretch the lip, a wooden or ceramic disc is placed after the cut and it will remain until the initial cut has healed before it is placed. This process is continuously repeated so that the lip will expand and become large enough to accommodate the first lip plate which is about Four to five centimetres. </p> <p>Interestingly, among these women and their men, the lip plate is seen as a boost of one's self-worth. Symbolically, it means that girl's father's number of cow stands a chance of increasing whenever he is paid her dowry. As such, any man who intends to marry a woman from Suri of Mursi ethnic groups has to be wealthy because their dowry usually falls between fourth (40) cattles (for the small plate) and sixty (60) for the large plate). </p> <p>Consequently, due to the relevance attached to this practice, young girls are allowed to increase their lip plate to their delight. And of course, since larger plates attracted bigger dowry, every woman in Suri and Mursi wanted a larger lip plate. However, what is so baffling about this practice is whether the people considered the health implications of expanding the lips and mouth beyond their reach - the cuts and wounds. While this may not go well with a lot of people especially with regard the health implications involved and also based on the fact that men did not join in the practice, it must not be forgotten that it still the peoples" way of life that should be respected and admired.</p> <p>Let me know your thoughts on this practice.</p> </span>
By Ugochukwu Asiogu
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Ugochukwu Asiogu is the most viewed writer in
History and Culture, Leadership.

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