Samuel Ibok Writer @ The Handshake
city Lagos, Nigeria
In People and Society 2 min read

<span class="html-content"> <p>Childrennnnnnnn!&nbsp;</p><p>Little amazing creatures.&nbsp;</p><p>I often jokingly state that children look edible! Particularly new borns. I mean looking at them or holding them is in many regards therapeutic. If you're a Christian in Nigeria and you've been on earth for a while you'd probably recall that very beautiful CHILD that members of your local assembly always carried. Yeah, I think was one of those babies. Man was fine like that. Don't judge!</p> <p>Parents would legit do anything to protect their youngsters. They don't mind going broke just to give them the live they as parents never had. Shout out to all the parents doing their best-God bless. Some child dedication/child naming ceremonies are a big deal to parents. You'd be wondering if it was a Kings birthday or something. Fast forward to a few years later, these same parents would take crazy measures to teach their kids discipline. Mehnnn, sometimes, its difficult to tell if it's discipline or straight up wickedness. A lot of parents go King Kong on their kids to a point where these kids are scared for life. If you suggest that they take it easy they would say "it's my child" or "I don't want to spoil my child". They do this under the guise of spare the rod and spoil a child. You still spoil the child's chances of having a descent life when you use the rod on a child...</p> <p>These same parents can sue a school if they punish their child. Such hypocrisy! Funny thing is I don't have a memory of my parents ever FLOGGING my older brother. Well, my case was different because I was different! I was called JUNIOR and children who bear that name in Nigeria are normally stubborn. I don't think I would have raised me without occasionally FLOGGING me! We both turned out well in the end.&nbsp;</p><p>On a serious note, now that I'm grown, I often think about how unclear the divide between Corporal Punishment and Child abuse is.&nbsp;</p><p>At what point do we cross the line?&nbsp;</p><p>I think it's high time people understand that CHILDREN HAVE RIGHTS. Again, CHILDREN HAVE RIGHTS. These rights must be protected. For those who have forgotten, child abuse refers to actions of commission and omission by parents and caregivers that result in actual or threatened harm to a child. </p> <p>EVERY CHILD MATTERS </p> <p>Learn Unlearn Relearn </p> </span>

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