Score | 225
Peter Ajetunmobi Graphics/ Social media manager @ Stream soft international
city Ikeja, Nigeria
In Sex and Sexuality 2 min read
Is your mouth a tool for honor or destruction?
Wow, how I have missed writing, Well let me drop this here hopefully I get some insight into it. Last night, while I was relaxing at my favourite spot bar, I stumbled on three men while they were making a loud conversation. They were talking about their concubines like I said earlier they were married, it was very sensitive and audible, it was so audible I had to turn properly to see if I could spot any commitment ring on their fingers. Unfortunately, the bar has dim lighting and this didn't let me see clearly. Well! Let me give them the benefit of the doubt that they aren't married, but then again, it just doesn't call for such irresponsibility they portrayed. From the cues in their discussions, they share the same point of connection, which implies they have mutual acquaintances. They were so engrossed loudly sharing their sexual escapes with excitement that they tended to forget they were in an open bar. I want to sometimes understand how some men reason, you voluntarily ask a lady out, she accepts voluntarily, and both of you voluntarily get down on each other and clean up yourself and leave the scene, and for your mind, you feel you have used her? how? Well, I think both of you just finished using yourselves. Peradventure you guys have left, perhaps you gave her money to go back to wherever she was coming from then you go about publicizing how you have used her, forgetting the fact that you footed the whole bill, with the fact that she even enjoys the whole experience more than you did with multiple orgasms she had. with parting cash, you gave her for miscellaneous and you came out to say you just used her - Bro are you listing to yourself? I like us to get this straight, especially the loosed mouth men and guys don't be a tool of manipulation in as much as this was consensual and not a defilement it is quid pro quo, get over it, and stop sharing it, stop telling the world about your stupidity because you are not getting no score or acquiring points. Why most men live in false ego is another enigma I am yet to find out, this is far beyond irony if only they know.

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