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Queensley Okon Information Officer @ Covenant University
city Ota, Nigeria
In Politics 3 min read
Suliyat sells shoes and bags supposedly. She lives in Lekki in a two bedroom duplex and pays 1.5 million naira every year for rent. The mantra of "God when" keeps flying when she uploads on Instagram and Tiktok and all she does is remind people that she is a "small girl with a big God". Dele has a mansion in Lekki and another in Port Harcourt. He claims to work virtually and receives fluctuating salaries between 4000 to 5000 pounds monthly. His house always has a weird smell that is a mixture of excreta and God knows what. You cannot breathe in his house and would prefer to meet him in an official setting. Every week, there is a new girl in his house but he cannot send money home to his parents who are still homeless. People wonder why it is so and some have even called him names but he keeps telling them that they don't understand. He has already ordered the latest Benz so all is well and good Ekaette has finished university and is about to go for service. The problem is that she does not want to serve anywhere that is not Lagos as it is the "happening place" so she has cooked up strategies to ensure it is so. She has decided to go through her parents to ask that they talk to her aunt who has pull in the NYSC office. A sum has been requested and paid and all she can do is wait for her fate. One way or another, she must land in Lagos or nothing else matters, even if she has to fraternize with the Platoon Leader or an influential Local Government Inspector. Emeka wants to get married but his business has not been giving as much money as he would like. He decided this next trip, he must add money on top and put it on the customers, after all, they have no choice. Anything that was 500 naira is now 4000 naira. Economy is hard and it is not his fault. Man must wack and there is nothing he can do about it. Ena just woke up and would use the whole morning for another round of thinking. What would her children eat now that their dad is not there to support her, and she is not as strong to cater for them as her back issues are becoming worse. If not for the house her husband left and kept away from other assets, she would be on the street. The politician may be coming to campaign again. Maybe she would go and collect the three onions and five cups of rice so at least her children would eat. She is good as far as they have eaten. Osas finally found a job but it looks like the pay is not as promising as he thought it would be. He was expecting a base pay of 200,000 naira and now he is seeing 80,000 naira and a "promise" to increase after years worked. Right now, he is at a crossroad as he is out of options and it has been three years of trying to get something good. It seems he would have to settle until he finds something good and then his japa plans can be built while doing so. To hell with staying in this country for more than a year!! These and more stories are what are prevalent in the Nigerian sphere and these are all victims of an already wicked and corrupt system. Say what you want about them but these are their realities and unless we create a system that actually works, more of these would erupt and we would keep crying and not solving the problem. Decide what future you want for your family Don't sell your vote Use your voice wisely
By Queensley Okon
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