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Ugochukwu Asiogu I conduct research and provide critical analysis on human security, and development issues.
city Uyo, Nigeria
In History and Culture 3 min read
God is a God of all religions, including the African Traditional Religion (ATR)
<span class="html-content"> <p>I have always believed that the beauty of religion lies in the peoples' unique ways and approaches of upholding it. In other words, religion is best practiced in situations where there are less criticisms of whatever one is revering and whoever one is worshiping. Of course, religion is a way of life and as a matter of fact, it is a representation of man's spiritualism - an aspect of man's life that draws him nearer to the metaphysical phase of his existence. Based on the above-mentioned, it is thus unsurprising how people are overwhelmed with all manner of religious doctrines and practices - they are simply connecting back to their root.</p> <p>However, what baffles me most is the fact that with the advent of Christianity and by extension, the Western culture to this part of the globe, Africans have overtime been stylishly compelled to let go of their spiritual root. and pattern of connection with God through Gods and embrace a new religion that their ancestors never knew about. And funny enough, they are happy to acknowledge the new religion even with terms and conditions! </p> <p>More ridiculous is the fact that most Africans have even turned around to accuse their ancestors of having a hand in their misfortunes and I dare ask: is this not madness? But on the other hand, wouldn't it be justifiable for our forefathers to react aggressively in defense of our misguided curses, accusations and foreign-motivated attacks on them? Of course, it will and until we learn "not only to obey our parents in the Lord, but also our ancestors - those who we share their blood, lineage and ancestry", the status quo may remain the same. </p> <p>Africans have to embrace their culture and heritage, not shy away from it. We have to be bold to affirm who we are, where we came from and where we are headed, and not attack our roots. God is God everywhere and anytime. He is in all religions and societies. As such, there is no need for us to think high of some religions over others. Also, there is no need to criticize peoples' choices of religion because it is how they have chosen to worship God. </p> <p>Majority of Americans worship God through the Christian religion, the Arabs worship God through the Islamic religion, the Asians worship God through Buddhism, Hinduism, among other isms we could think of and Africans worship God through a collection of the above-mentioned religions and even more. With this sort of "iberiberism", tell me why we shouldn't be so confused and underdeveloped!</p> <p>Today, one could rarely find a good number of Nigerians that are proud of the religion of their ancestors. Why? The answer is because we have been brainwashed to accept what we already have. And to denounce the same people who have been our shelter right from birth. Interestingly, there is absolutely nothing different from the Christian and Islamic religions and the African Traditional Religion because all of them revere and worship God. So, why the hates, the fights, the blames, the arrogance, the lies, and the unwise display of foolishness on our part? </p> <p>Dear Africans, it is time to look inward and make do with our identity. It is time to embrace our religion even if we decide not to practice it. </p> </span>
God is a God of all religions, including the A...
By Ugochukwu Asiogu
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Ugochukwu Asiogu is the most viewed writer in
History and Culture, Leadership.

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