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Oluseyi Vandy Freelance writer, audio producer, 3D modelling
city Lagos, Nigeria
In Education 4 min read
Education vs Religion
<span class="html-content"><p><span class="html-content"></span></p><p>I thought this is an interesting topic, especially when Religion is a form of education; a sort of moral guideline to reduce crime and promote peace in society. Nonetheless, the idea came from this need of "scientific-minded" individuals who think belief in a supreme being is fantasy and fairytale, so I'm here to state my case. Follow me through, even if it's to get points to counter, I'd love to see opposing thoughts.</p><p></p> <p></p><p>The belief in and worship of a superhuman power or powers, especially a God or gods. This is one of the many definitions of religion. Longer than a man could tell, we have always looked up to the sky, admired its beauty, and feared its fury. We have pondered the meaning of existence, and why things happened to and around us. In a bid to explain it, we deligated what we couldn't understand... which was a lot, to the divine or spiritual. This is not completely false, but science makes the argument that is the only reason why there is faith, especially as they started making advancements, explaining some of the phenomena that we'd have readily explained away with "the gods are angry."</p><p></p> <p></p><p>As much as people would disagree or doubt, the bible is for the most part a very practical book with hidden pearls of wisdom that are timeless. Yes, I know there are parts of talking snakes, miracles, and some things less practical, which have led some to say its writers were either madmen or under the heavy influence when writing. I will show certain points that the Bible is a daily step-by-step guide to living well.</p><p></p> <p></p><ol><p></p> <p></p><li><p>The Laws: Did you know that most of the laws in the constitution, at least the ones that made up the American system (originally) correlates with the Bible? Exodus was God telling the Israelites how to build their societies, it has everything from manslaughter, sanitary measures, diseases, charity, marriage, loans, and trade. As they were in the wilderness, out of Egypt, they could have easily regressed to survival of the fittest, wild west; take what you want and do what you want, but the laws kept them civil and in line. These laws are being mimicked and practiced today, some people are not even aware of this.</p> </li><p></p> <p></p><li><p>The Bible endorses education: "Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free". I know that does not fit this point, but the whole purpose of the Bible is to teach people the truth and enlightenment. Sometimes we see the bible as some distant mythical story, forgetting it is majorly the history of a people, the Israelites. Here's a spoiler, there's a reason they are one of the most wealthy and dominant races on earth, as small as their population may be, they are very knowledgeable and practical people. If we want to go back to the bible, remember when Mary and Joseph forgot Jesus in the temple? When they went back, they found him discussing with the priest and elders in the temple. Bear in mind, they were the ones in charge of the scrolls and were the wise counsel that taught the people, these were who Jesus was talking with, he also read the scrolls which if history showed us anything, are lessons and wisdom of the past chronicled. There was a reason why his enemies could never trip him, despite their numerous traps. </p> </li><p></p> <p></p><li><p>Facts: It's funny how science seems to line up with the creation story. "Let there be light", The Big bang. Job 26:7</p> </li> </ol><p></p> <p></p><p>"He spreads out the northern skies over space; he suspends the earth over nothing." For people without a telescope and space shuttle to make such statements and we can now confirm that indeed, the earth rotates, suspended in its orbit. He goes further to say in Job 28:5 "The earth, from which food comes, is transformed below as by fire". Describing what we know as the earth's core. You can't make this up.</p><p></p> <p></p><p>What I think may have happened (personal opinion here) that caused further division was the Catholic church hunting and persecuting scientists, afraid that they would disprove the gospel or were blasphemous, which caused them to live in fear while fighting for the truth. This caused a rift, the us vs them mentality. Still, it's hard to look away from the facts that even science can not deny. The earth is orderly, created as I remember a line from Young Sheldon "if the earth was just a few inches closer to the sun, it would be too hot for life to exist as is. If a few inches away, it would be too cold."</p><p></p> <p></p><p>We see even in society and trends, what science and education mocked in Christianity is now being rehashed as affirmations, the law of attraction, manifestation, etc. Though the idea is more man focused. Apostles that wrote the bible have been classified as people deluded or suffering from being isolated and tortured, but some of the themes written is being proven today, even funnier is the end time narrative, people being called religious fanatic but now scientist speaks on things like global warming and the earth dying. Not that I'm saying it will end that way, but let me close with this "Heaven and earth shall pass away..."</p><p></p> <p></p><p>Feel free to engage on points you feel are wrong and are not accurate, I look forward to your engagement, let's discuss.</p> <p></p> </span>
Education vs Religion
By Oluseyi Vandy
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