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Asiogu Ugochukwu Global Security enthusiast
In History and Culture 2 min read
<span class="html-content"><p>I know you would be wondering what the heck i mean by wife theft in broad daylight Africa. Well, relax and read along. You see, one thing that I have always admired about Africans is their culture and traditions . Africans are s very cultured people and as such are the most interesting people to relate with in the entire universe. But come to think of it, why would a so-called cultured people allow their wives to be stolen? Isn't that abnormal? Well, here's the story behind the act.</p> <p>The Woodabe tribe is a Fulani tribe that reside in Niger, West Africa. In the tribe, men are regarded as vain because popular belief holds that they are the most handsome set of men in the world. Funny enough, these men walk around the entire community with mirrors to always check their faces and body parts in order ensure that their beauty keeps glowing without fault. </p> <p>In Woodabe, marriage is always contracted in infancy and all women are free to have as many sexual partners as they desire. The tribe holds an annual festival called "Gerewal". During this festival, men dress elaborately. They were make-up and participate in pageantry. They dress and act to impress their women and also the wives of other men. 👀 </p> <p>The people of Woodabe firmly believe that beauty can be judged by the whiteness of the human eyes and teeth as well as the strong straight bridge of the nose. Prior to the festival, it takes men about six hours to prepare and get ready to dance and show off. They paint their faces with red clay, use eyeliners to make their eyes appear whiter and wear a shade of lipstick that will make their teeth appear whiter. In addition, they wear white Ostrich feathers in their hair in order to appear taller. </p> <p>During the festival, three of the tribe's most gorgeous women as chosen as judges of the event. Aside the women judges, wives of other men in the community who participate in the festival usually admire the men they desire to choose as their second husband. If in the course of the festival, a man successfully gains the attention of a woman and goes on to whisk her away without being caught, the man automatically becomes her husband and the community blesses their union. </p> <p>The Woodabe tribe is polygamous and as such acknowledge extended family life and marriage. </p> <p>Overall, may your wife/husband never be stolen in broad daylight all in the name of festival 😀</p> </span>
By Asiogu Ugochukwu
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Asiogu Ugochukwu is the most viewed writer in
History and Culture, Leadership.

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