Godwin Erite Senior Project Executive @ FieldConnect
city Lagos, Nigeria
In Nigeria 1 min read
Controlling the Narrative: A Tale of Broken Promises
<p>Educational brands tell stories from the end, painting a picture of success achieved through specialized education. The promise was clear: get educated, secure a job, earn good pay, and join the ranks of the successful. But today, this narrative is shifting in a painful direction.</p><p>It started as a murmur, "school na scam," a phrase that echoed growing disillusionment. Now, amidst economic downturns, it rings alarmingly true. The promises we cherished as children have crumbled, revealing a harsh reality. The celebrated few, it turns out, have cheated the system. The adage, "You can't eat your cake and have it," no longer applies. They eat their cake and take the cakes of others who deserve it. Jobs are no longer won by merit but by recommendation, leading to poor performance across sectors.</p><p>This narrative has been controlled against us.&nbsp;</p><p>Our faith in education as a gateway to success is almost dead.&nbsp;</p><p>Can we reclaim our story?&nbsp;</p><p>We must demand a system where merit matters and hard/smart work is rewarded.&nbsp;</p><p>Only then can we restore the promise of education and build a future where every dream has a fair chance to flourish.</p>
Controlling the Narrative: A Tale of Broken Pro...
By Godwin Erite
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