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Samuel Ibok Marketing Supervisor @ Crusader Sterling Pensions Limited
city Lagos, Nigeria
In People and Society 2 min read
<p>Picture this: A facility where fire extinguishers are produced and sold is engulfed by fire. If you're as inquisitive as I am, you'd probably think it's poetic and ironic. It will be worse if there is ample time and resources to tackle the surge early. In this age, we've been told that the life span of ignorance is about 2 minutes. I mean, have data, and all other things will be added to you!</p><p>At a certain point, ignorance becomes a deliberate investment in folly and plain wickedness. The recent demise of a famous Nollywood actor left me fellowshipped with the thought that knowledge saves. The statement below dropped in my mind: "It's sad and awful how first aid and emergency treatment translate to rituals and religious practices for most Nigerians. Someone tells you plainly that they're having headaches, and your first line of thought is a demonic attack—oh, wrong now! The same person whose head is banging will be taken to a gathering of 20 prayer warriors who have lost the ability to speak with a low tone. The innocent fellow will leave with a migraine, and people will start doubting God's power and raising questions about healing. Who did this to us, Abeg?</p><p>I'm not saying to cancel religion, but rather to think holistically. Put differently, 'USE YOUR HEAD"". Does the issue require a church or hospital? "The illiterate of the twenty-first century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.”</p><p>Now that I'm done ranting, I believe the solution to a lot of issues revolves around information—the right information. Hence, the solution is to increase information penetration in Nigeria. Imagine if a startup like 8medical was stationed in that riverine area. Imagine if we'd been taught practically how to use a fire extinguisher and conduct emergency treatment such as CPR. Sometimes the bridge between life and death is information. So, irrespective of what you identify as, kindly seek knowledge. If it doesn't save you, it can save your neighbour.</p><p>PS: USE YOUR HEAD!</p>
By Samuel Ibok
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