

TwoCents is a knowledge and information marketplace for Africans around the globe.

TwoCents let's you share your insights, articles, ideas and opinions and earn from them in form of cash tips, subscriptions and ad revenue sharing.

TwoCents also hosts Q&A sessions with bright African minds across the world in spaces ranging from Technology and Politics to Career and Jobs, Finance and

An insight is simply anything you share on TwoCents. It's simply how the TwoCents community refers content posted by members.

TwoCents gives you the opportunity to earn directly from your insights/content in form of cash tips, subscriptions and ad revenue sharing.

You also get exposure for your content to a fast-growing platform with readers from all over the world.

TwoCents users who post insights on a regular basis are known as contributors. Being a contributor on TwoCents offers several benefits such as content monetization.

Being a contributor by itself does not make a user eligible for earning on TwoCents. To earn, a user has to be verified. Verification is explained in the next section.

A verified user is one who has met all the necessary criteria to start earning on TwoCents. These requirements include:

  • A contributor score of 100 and above. (explained in the next section).
  • A profile that is 100 percent complete.
  • At least five weeks of consistently sharing insights.
  • An overall committment to content contribution on TwoCents.

Every contributor has a score which is a metric indicating the engagement on all their insights, based on views, number of comments and upvotes etc. It is a rank/measure of how much readers on TwoCents interact with a contributor's content.

Amina is an AI bot that leverages the power of LLMs (Large Language Models) to interact intelligently with user-generated content on TwoCents.

For example, Amina will comment on insights posted by contributors as well as reply to certain comments on an insight thread.

By integrating Amina into TwoCents, we are taking advantage of AI to extend conversations and synthesize useful information from content on TwoCents.

We soon will.

You can expect mobile apps for Android and iOS in the coming months.

Every week, we host Q&A sessions with subject-matter experts across various interest areas - for a duration of a few days, members of the community can drop questions for the person being hosted.

To find out more, please visit our about page.

We also give brands the opportunity to advertise their products and services on session pages for a certain fee. This is known as session sponsorship.

For information on how to sponsor a session, please visit the following page How to Sponsor a session

We would be delighted to have you onboard. Kindly mail your intentions to and our operations team would reach out to you.

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